
Technology Is Accelerating the Widening Technocratic Divide

Posted February 11, 2016 | Leadership |

There is a new line separating human beings from each other and it is a great technocratic divide. Calling the reaction against this technocratic invasion a Luddite one doesn’t capture the significance of this scientific tsunami. All roads to the future lead through a forest of computing and scientific complexity. There are fewer mentally easy routes to economic prosperity. How the next generation sorts out their place in the 21st-century economy will be quite different than in the 20th-century economy.

About The Author
Vince Kellen
Vince Kellen is a Fellow of Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and a frequent Summit speaker. He is currently CIO at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), a member of UCSD’s Chancellor's Cabinet, and Vice Chancellor and CFO of the UCSD senior management team. Dr. Kellen brings a rare combination of academic, business, and IT strategy experience to his role, with a focus on strategic… Read More
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