
Utilizing Shared Services as an Alignment Tool

Posted April 30, 2004 | Leadership | Leadership |

Business-IT alignment remains a top priority for senior IT management. In a recent Society for Information Management survey of 300 senior IT managers, respondents placed alignment at the top of their list, followed by IT strategic planning and security/privacy. These results certainly aren't unique; IT alignment shows up at or near the top of CIO issues surveys every year.

About The Author
Roger Mccall
Roger McCall is a principal in the firm of Scott, Madden & Associates, a general management consulting firm with primary practices in energy, shared services, and outsourcing. Mr. McCall's recent areas of focus are the management of technology in the enterprise, shared services implementations, and sourcing. In his 19 years with the firm, he has worked primarily with energy, manufacturing, and financial services clients. He holds an… Read More
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