Executive Update

Want the Greatest Return on Training? Invest Purposefully

Posted June 8, 2015 | Leadership |

How do we get value out of the money we earmark for training? How can we get what we paid for? In most purchase situations, we can see what we're getting; we can touch the computer, phone, or car we bought. We can compare product or service reviews to decide which to buy. We can read a list of specifications to determine what we're getting for our money. Yet when it comes to training, the best we have is a list of objectives....

About The Author
Martin Klubeck
Martin Klubeck is a recognized leader in organizational development, where he focuses on metrics, vision setting, and professional development planning. He has helped organizations design, create, and use meaningful metrics programs for more than 20 years. Mr. Klubeck's ability to take the complex and simplify it has made him a highly sought-after teacher, speaker, and consultant. Along with several publications and presentations, he is the… Read More
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