Executive Update

Web 2.0: What's in It for Enterprises?

Posted July 31, 2007 | Leadership | Leadership | Leadership |

Web 2.0 is one of the most talked-about emerging technologies today, and it is creating quite a splash as it stretches the boundaries of what the traditional Web can do. In the absence of any industry consensus, Web 2.0 can best be explained as an open, collaborative, and participatory model of the Web for creating an enriched end-user experience and enhanced online social collaboration.

About The Author
Brijesh Deb
Brijesh Deb is a Senior Technical Architect with SETLabs, Infosys Technologies Limited. His experience includes architecture definition, design, and implementation of large-scale, mission-critical J2EE-based IT solutions across a range of industries. His current interests involve enterprise adoption of Web 2.0 principles and features. He can be reached at brijesh_deb at infosys.com.
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