
What Are Your Web 2.0 Ethics?

Posted February 3, 2009 | | Amplify

Many are engaging with Web 2.0 technology in their personal lives, and increasingly at work. Even if you don't think there's much new in Web 2.0 technologies, that it's merely a renaming of extant things, you can't ignore the power of them as presented now, and as widely adopted. It is perhaps the level of adoption of these technologies, combined with the potentialities for social interaction of different kinds, that make Web 2.0 so interesting from an ethical perspective.

About The Author
Ben Light
Ben Light is Professor of Technology and Society at the University of Salford (UK). Dr. Light's research concerns the appropriation of configurable technologies within work, organizations, and society. This has led him to explore the use of large-scale ERP packages, call center technologies, social networking sites, and digital games. He has published in journals such as Communications of the ACM, Information Systems Journal, New Technology, … Read More
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