Executive Update

Why Are EA Departments Having Such a Hard Time with Business Units?

Posted February 28, 2010 | Technology |

Corporate enterprise architecture (EA) departments often have a hard time dealing with business units (BUs), even if it is clear that there are benefits in a centralized architecture and common solutions. BUs, pursuing their own targets, don't want to be bothered by central rules because these are perceived as restrictive in doing business.

For any central guidance to succeed, two conditions are important:

About The Author
Paul Teeuwen
Paul Teeuwen is an independent consultant based in the Netherlands. He focuses on advising large international clients about IT strategy and architecture. Mr. Teeuwen previously worked for Nolan, Norton & Co., the consulting firm of Cutter Fellow Richard L. Nolan. His thinking is based on the Nolan Stages Theory, which guides the sequence of IT improvement projects in a large firm. Clients have included a wide range of banks and government… Read More
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