Optimization Review
The Optimization Review, typically two days, is designed to identify the most promising opportunities for change by identifying what separates a company from the norm. Areas in which an organization's capabilities are better or worse than the average represent terrific areas of opportunity. The successful processes/approaches that are already working in the organization can be propagated. And areas where an organization is performing at a below average level are, by definition, the easiest to fix, because the average firms in this marketplace that are performing better in this area, provide proof that improvement can be achieved.
This unique approach, developed by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister, is designed to finesse change resistance, and has proven repeatedly to be both a tremendous morale-builder and an extremely effective change mechanism. The process creates shared goals among the participating factions, generating excitement about the opportunities that emerge.
The Consortium team will help the participants identify strengths and the directions these will lead the firm, a commonality of purpose, challenges the firm faces, and ways of addressing these. Mr. Lister presents his observations and conclusions to all the participants, including management, at the end of Day 2. A final report sums up observations and recommended actions.