

Unleash the business value of your big data adoption.

While both analytics and technologies are vital ingredients of big data, neither alone are likely to provide the crucial business value big data can unleash. In this recorded webinar, Cutter Senior Consultant Bhuvan Unhelkar goes beyond descriptive and predictive analytics, beyond Hadoop/HDFS distributed data architectures, to help you focus on a strategic framework for adopting big data.

Prof. Unhelkar’s big data framework for agile business (BDFAB) covers the crucial aspects of data (volume, velocity, variety and veracity) and how these data can be used to produce the fifth and most crucial V: value. You’ll discover how to use BDFAB as a risk reduction strategy for adopting big data. Discover how the big data manifesto espoused in the framework provides underlying values, such as business agility and sustainability, for using big data. Generate an ongoing and significant amount of business intelligence to enable faster and more accurate business decision making. 

Whether it's financial markets using big data technologies to price currencies and currency options, health and hospital administrations routing patients to appropriate locations based on in-memory routing, airlines pricing their tickets competitively as a result of last-minute accurate data availability, or other organizations striving to elevate their focus from technologies and analytics to business strategy, this webinar explores how big data analytics and technologies together can help create strategic opportunities for business agility.

Watch the on-demand webinar, recorded live on October 26, 2016. If your license does not include access to this webinar, contact your Account Executive by phone at +1 781 648 8700 or by email.
