Business Models for Value Creation Are Evolving Quickly ... Can You Keep Pace?
Dig In at this Bootcamp and You Will.

Cutter Fellow
As business models for creating value continue to shift, new business strategies are constantly emerging, making digital innovation an ongoing imperative.
From software to automobiles, from healthcare to financial services, models for value creation and value capture are rapidly changing. Not surprisingly, even the most sophisticated firms are struggling to get digital transformation right. It’s easy for an organization to miss the point — digital transformation isn’t about technology. If it were, the path forward would be simple. Instead, it’s about strategy, economics and internal change.
Cutter’s Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp is designed to get a team thinking analytically and strategically about how its industry is changing. It includes teams of 3-5 participants (representing business strategy and technology) from up to ten, non-competing organizations. The Bootcamp immerses an executive team in the challenges and opportunities digital transformation presents so that they can walk away with new ideas and strategies that have been vetted by other smart business leaders.
Going Beyond Strategy
Beyond strategy, the tough questions are about what you need to do internally to succeed. Executives understand that digital transformation involves a shift, perhaps from being a product firm to a platform company or developing services that completely change the way the organization interacts with its customers. But they tend to underestimate the organizational transformation that is required, and often fail to fully understand the business models and economics that are crucial to success.
At the Cutter Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp, the full group digs into Harvard Business School cases, followed by a series of Sprints in which your team applies the knowledge gained from the business cases to your specific organizations. You’ll get feedback from the other teams, (recall they’re non-competitors). Execs from a different industry bring a fresh perspective, enabling you to gain insights about your situation that you’re likely to miss.
Cutter Consortium Fellow, Professor Karim Lakhani of Harvard Business School, will skillfully guide you and your team through a 2-day examination of how digital innovation is transforming our business landscape. Discussions will focus on what is truly unique about the new digital strategies that are changing our environment for both new and established organizations and the strategies that might be right for your organization. Prof. Lakhani’s advice is informed by the deep, hands-on expertise that comes from consulting to top firms globally; writing the landmark cases on digital transformation, open innovation, crowd sourcing for innovation, and doing prize-winning research in innovation.
Ask about additional session dates.
The Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp is designed to help executive teams upend the reflex thinking that prevents essential change, take a fresh and creative look at opportunities, and dive deeply into what they need to do to succeed. If your firm has a solid plan in place, this is an opportunity to stress test its viability, break through any groupthink dynamics that may be blinding you to your plan’s shortcomings, and thereby vastly improve your likelihood of success. If you are beginning the digital transformation journey, the Bootcamp will jumpstart the process, allow you to benefit from executive insight different from your own, and give your strategy a solid grounding—greatly increasing your odds of a positive outcome.
The risks are high with any transformation effort. Time is scarce as upstart, nimble competitors challenge the old order. We welcome your participation. The next Cutter Digital Transformation & Innovation Bootcamp will be held March 26-28, 2017, in Wellesley, Massachusetts. To receive more information about upcoming sessions contact us at