Adrienne Tannenbaum

Adrienne Tannenbaum, founder and President of Database Design Solutions, Inc., is a recognized industry authority on metadata and its multiple uses. She is the author of the metadata reference,Metadata Solutions: Using MetamodelsRepositories, XML, and Enterprise Portals to Generate Information on Demand, and authored the first book dedicated to metadata repositories,Implementing a Corporate Repository: The Models Meet Reality. In addition, Ms. Tannenbaum has been working with data issues throughout her extensive IT career and is known for her ability to represent existing data as well as renew it as a means of meeting today's enterprise requirements. She has led metadata requirements gathering and consolidation efforts for insurance, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, retail, financial, manufacturing, and public-sector organizations. Ms. Tannenbaum also has led several data warehouse consolidation efforts, advised major chemical manufacturers on metadata issues, and assisted database consolidation and data management efforts at three public-sector levels. She has consulted for more than 40 Fortune 500 clients. She can be reached at atannenbaum at