Bill Keyworth
Bill Keyworth focuses on IT operational excellence. With more than 25 years' experience successfully defining technology and market trends within the IT service management industry, Mr. Keyworth has established a reputation as a credible and consistent voice in maximizing business value from IT operations. Leveraging telecom and network management experience gained at AT&T and Digital Equipment Corporation, he was among the first to identify and justify market requirements and benefits for a network management (monitoring) framework, thrusting him into an early leadership role within the IT management industry.
"ITIL is not a checklist that you can go through and create ... it's a set of best practices that are advising you on how to tailor it to your organization. " -- Bill Keyworth
As former VP and Research Director at Gartner Group, Mr. Keyworth initiated the successful Network and Systems Management (NSM) service and helped to create a US focus on ITIL processes years before industry adoption. Through research and consulting roles at Gartner and Ptak, Noel & Associates, he has led various strategies on IT infrastructure management that are critical for managing the dynamic elements of Internet and enterprise applications. Through executive roles at Digital, Peregrine, TCI Solutions, and Nexiant, coupled with marketing consulting roles at six high-tech startups in recent years, Mr. Keyworth has demonstrated expertise in refocusing the marketing engines of an organization and turning product-driven companies into market-driven industry leaders. He now translates that market perspective into success criteria for IT management initiatives and remains Editor-in-Chief of BSMreview.com, a thought leadership site for IT service management's role in successful business initiatives. He holds a BS from Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management and an MBA from Babson College.
More from Bill Keyworth:
- ITIL and IT Operational Excellence
- Marketing IT Operations: Part II -- Executing the Marketing Plan
- Where Is IT Operations Within Devops?
- Business-Oriented Service Management: A Roadmap for IT
- Theory of Constraints Approach
- Marketing IT Operations: Part I -- If You Don't Do It, Who Will?
- Managing Through the Hype of Cloud Computing
- Are We Already Implementing Business Service Management?
Predicting the Year Ahead ...
Bill Keyworth: Winners of IT/business alignment goes to ... those who can "market IT". More »