Blake Ives

Blake Ives holds the C.T. Bauer Chair in Business Leadership at the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He is also Director of the Information Systems Research Center (ISRC) and Director of Research for the Society for Information Management's Advanced Practice Council.

Mr. Ives is a past President of the Association for Information Systems, a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems, and a past Editor-in-Chief of the MIS Quarterly. His research has been published in Sloan Management ReviewIBM Systems JournalManagement Information Systems QuarterlyMISQ ExecutiveManagement ScienceInformation Systems Research,Communications of the ACMDecision SciencesAcademy of Management ExecutiveIEEE Computer, and the Journal of MIS.

His avatar, Blake Stringfellow, resides in Second Life on ITWorld. He can be reached at blake.ives at