Dimitrios Kogias
Dimitrios Kogias is an Adjunct Lecturer in the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of the University of West Attica (UniWA, Greece). He has participated as a Senior Researcher in various EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects (TRILLION, STORM, and FASTER). Dr. Kogias’s research interests include blockchain and distributed ledger technology, cloud integration, security in the Internet of Things, machine-to-machine communications, and privacy issues in these environments. He has been published in international journals and conferences and has coauthored scientific book chapters. Dr. Kogias received a diploma in physics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), a master’s of science degree in electronics and radioelectrology, and a PhD in algorithms for dissemination of information in unstructured networking environments from NKUA. He can be reached at dimikog@uniwa.gr.