Jean LeJacq

Jean Pierre LeJacq an expert technologist with 18 years of application development experience using leading-edge tools. Prior to immersing himself in software engineering, he was an electrical and mechanical engineer working on helicopter control systems, elevators and industrial turbines. He brings this background of rigorous engineering discipline to software development.

A specialist in Internet and distributed object technologies, Mr. LeJacq is a veteran software architect with project management, requirements, design, implementation and testing experience on large projects. He has extensive knowledge of a variety of programming languages, environments and tools, and offers a track record of successful implementation on complex, multi-year projects. Mr. LeJacq brings experience in the development of web-based applications in e-commerce, retail banking, health care, insurance, distributed information services, life sciences, aerospace, telecommunications among other domains.

A recognized author and speaker on enterprise architecture, testing, and distributed components, Mr. LeJacq is an active participant in ongoing IETF, W3C and other efforts to specify industry standards for Internet-based systems. Mr. LeJacq was a regular columnist on Java for the Journal of Object Oriented Programming, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. He can be reached at