Nicola Fabiano
Attorney Nicola Fabiano is the founder and Partner at Studio Legale Fabiano, a Counsel of Italian High Courts, a Civil Law Specialist, a Privacy and Security Professional, Privacy by Design Ambassador, and an ICT legal advisor. He follows the evolution of the Internet, paying particular attention to the legal issues of new Internet paradigms, such as cloud computing and Internet of Things.
In 2010 Mr. Fabiano was recognized as a Privacy by Design (PbD) Ambassador by the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Ann Cavoukian, and he is still working on PbD. He is a frequent speaker on a variety of topics, including privacy and e-privacy, e-signatures, registered electronic mail, Internet of Things, and other ICT law issues. Mr. Fabiano is a consultant within the External Member Group of the EU project BUTLER on Internet of Things. He has also been a member of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) Awareness Raising Community and enrolled in the official ENISA list of "Experts for identifying emerging and future risks posed by new ICTs" since 2009.
Mr. Fabiano is Sector Director of the Italian Institute for Privacy (IIP-Istituto Italiano Privacy), a member of the Council Internet of Things (, and a member of AIPSI (Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica) - ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) Italian chapter. He has authored numerous articles on the subject of privacy and data protection. He can be reached at