Steve Andriole
Stephen J. Andriole is a Fellow with Cutter Consortium, a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network, and the Thomas G. Labrecque Professor of Business Technology at Villanova University. His specialty areas include digital transformation, emerging technology trends, cloud computing, social media, technology due diligence, software IP valuation, business technology strategy, business technology management, technology governance, business technology organization, the business value of technology, and technology performance management. His acclaimed column in Forbes features such articles as "15 Must-Have Technology Capabilities for Digital Transformation," "Your Technology Skill Crisis – See It Before It’s Too Late," and "5 Ways CIOs Should Speak Digital to Executives." Dr. Andriole advises Cutter clients across the spectrum of business technology, has been a frequent Cutter author since 1998, and a frequent keynoter at Cutter Summit conferences.
Dr. Andriole is the former Director of the Cybernetics Technology Office of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he managed a US $25 million R&D program that led to several vital scientific and technological advances in the broad-based information, decision, and computing sciences. He served as CTO and Senior VP of Safeguard Scientifics, Inc., where he was responsible for identifying technology trends, translating that insight into the Safeguard investment strategy, and leveraging trends analyses with Safeguard partners to help them develop business and marketing strategies. Dr. Andriole was also CTO and Senior VP for Technology Strategy at CIGNA Corporation, a $20 billion global insurance and financial services company, where he was responsible for enterprise information architecture, computing standards, the technology R&D program, and data security, as well as overall alignment of enterprise information technology investments with CIGNA’s multiple lines of business. As an entrepreneur, Dr. Andriole founded International Information Systems (IIS), Inc., which designed interactive systems for a variety of corporate and government clients. He is also cofounder of The Acentio Group, a strategic consulting consortium that identifies and leverages technology trends to help clients optimize their business technology investments. Dr. Andriole is also former Professor of Information Systems and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Drexel University as well as a former Professor and Chair of the Department of Information. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com.