Vishal Gajjar
Vishal Gajjar is Director of Sustainability & Quality at Lidl with over 16 years’ experience in sustainability, strategy development and deployment, and cost reduction. His career spans three continents — North America, Europe, and Asia — and multiple industries, with a focus on consumer goods. Mr. Gajjar received the Ecovadis Sustainable Procurement Leadership Award and was featured as a Sustainability Champion in CPOstrategy’s 2023 “Sustainable Procurement Champions Index.” As an architect, Mr. Gajjar played a pivotal role in achieving the German Sustainability Award in 2024 by designing and implementing groundbreaking sustainability solutions in supply chain management. Fluent in five languages, Mr. Gajjar brings a global perspective to his work. He earned a bachelor of engineering degree in mechanical engineering from Sardar Patel University, India, and an MBA from Hochschule Pforzheim University, Germany, and Brigham Young University. He can be reached at vishal9gajjar@gmail.com.