Expert Guidance to Achieve Enterprise-Level Agility & Speed

Gain expert intelligence and experience in all aspects of agile necessary to achieve enterprise agility in an era characterized by constant change. Cutter’s community of international experts provides new insight and research, published nearly daily, and virtual and live events that enable agility throughout the organization.

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By framing the questions explicitly in terms of a worst case; switching perspectives and allowing people to describe the best case; examining blame-free, blameworthy, and partial failures, and employing additional techniques, Tim Lister is able to overcome the hesitation that prevents most people in most companies from articulating many risks they are aware of.


Project Chartering

An effective project chartering session is the best way to ensure that a project gets started correctly. Cutter's project chartering sessions help establish a project's team values, vision, mission, objectives, project community, measures of success, scope and boundaries, committed resources, and working agreements.

IT Organizational Assessments examine the strengths and weaknesses of your organization so you can capitalize on the former and correct the latter.

Our Senior Consultants will work with you to design, build, and implement an independent Project Office that will enable you to consistently collect data, analyze it, and present the results.

Get assistance and ongoing support risk management oversight and guidance for your enterprise.