Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders
Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.
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The Internet offered wide access, and the smartphone offered direct and personalized access to the insurance customer. What can AI offer?
Can the same path to Agile transformation work for every organization? Does every organization need to go through the same number of steps? Do the organization’s culture, technological landscape, and customer needs necessitate a customized model of such a transformation? In this Advisor, we identify the five elements of design thinking as key principles that every Agile transformation should follow.
We have developed a simple yet powerful framework to help business leaders navigate the digital landscape based on four business-focused questions that are at the core of effective governance of digital. We call these questions the four “ares.” In our previous Advisor, we discussed the first two of the “ares”: Are we doing the right things? and Are we doing them the right way? This Advisor explores the two that remain.
A Culture Transformed
“A culture transformed” means reaching an elusive cultural end state within a business. There are mile markers on this transformative journey, many of them technological, but rarely do we include cultural milestones within the scope of a digital transformation project.
Customer expectations are shaped by their interactions with Uber, Amazon, and Apple — where each interaction is intuitive, easy, and instant. In customers’ eyes, the age, size, and complexity of the organization or industry are all irrelevant: all they care about is having a great experience. Traditional organizations have no choice but to step up their game to stay relevant.
From the Board: Leading and Governing Digital Assets
Despite general agreement among researchers and academics of the need for board-level involvement in IT governance, it appears that in practice this is more the exception than the rule. Given the prevalence of this issue, we have sought to answer the question, “What is the state of the art of the research domain of board-level IT governance?” In this Executive Update, we share our findings on the various determinants, theories, and outcomes surrounding board-level IT governance and share some practical guidance.
Understanding the API Spectrum
APIs are bringing about new opportunities by creating new channels for partnerships, promoting brands, and experimenting with customer-influenced innovative solutions and alternate business models. In this Advisor, I explore the spectrum of APIs. Knowing the spectrum of APIs and how they work helps formulate and guide API and software strategy, aids in decision making on interfacing architecture, and helps assess readiness from business, technical, compliance, and risk perspectives.
Empowering the people who face the customer to drive business decisions is a hallmark of the Agile organization. Agile leadership, explored in this Advisor, replaces command and control in the Agile organization.