Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Agile is all about learning. But do Agile leaders know how and what to teach?

To meet the challenge of insurtechs, incumbent companies need to develop a clear strategy to guide the following aspects of engagement with them: a holistic approach, an insurtech evaluation framework, and an engagement model between the insurtech and the incumbent. This Advisor describes these three aspects in greater detail.

Extracting business agility from a big data strategy requires an all-encompassing, holistic approach to the technology, the analytics, and all other aspects of an organization.

Effective CIOs must demonstrate both operational and strategic leadership. Although it is unclear how and when CIOs make the transition from operational to strategic leadership, we argue that the transition depends on the accumulation of transitional capital. Timing and sequencing of CIO actions are critical to the accumulation of this transitional capital. Thus, strategic CIO leadership is earned and is contingent upon actions of the CIO in building operational excellence and social capital, sequencing and kairotic timing of these actions to accumulate transitional capital, and achieving acceptance by the top management team.

What is the role of a Major Incident Manager (MIM)? Should he or she be technically skilled or business savvy or process oriented? This Advisor suggests some core competencies for MIMs. 

Though innovation and disruptive technologies are mentioned as key themes for most organizations, many times the focus seems to divert to incremental improvements rather than preparing for major breakthroughs that could disrupt and add value to the market, economy, customers, and industry.

In this on-demand webinar, Cutter Senior Consultant Bhuvan Unhelkar goes in depth on why innovators in such a dynamic business space need to be extremely flexible and agile and why understanding the business value of innovations requires imagination and a capacity to map those innovations to existing business opportunities and challenges. He also reveals how big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Cloud necessitate agility and imagination in order to demonstrate the value of an innovation.

This Executive Update highlights several areas where European initiatives are helping to guide, bolster, and reinforce the structure of the cloud market toward one that encourages healthy competition. These are specialist frameworks and services that address very specific market requirements and remove friction in the adoption of cloud services.