Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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With a new generation of cloud-enabled low-code tools, we can combine the simplicity and friendliness of easy-to-use develop­ment environments with the ability to deploy distrib­uted business applications. This Advisor addresses some of the key arguments against low-code adoption.
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In this interview, transformational coach Areej Khataybih offers a psychological perspective on women leaders and what contributes to their success and their challenges. She highlights the challenges that come from internal obstacles and beliefs of not being good enough and the battle of competing with male counterparts and, in the process, denying women’s full selves, the emotional and the logical.
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This Advisor asserts that there is no “right” org chart for depicting an organization’s structure. There are only charts fulfilling different purposes, and you need to treat them within the constraints of that purpose.