Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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This edition of The Cutter Edge discusses why it's critical for business leaders to understand that success depends more on how they develop people than how they deploy technology; the patterns and techniques that are useful for keeping digital and data architectures open to changes, and more!
This Advisor outlines how using a target operating model working hypothesis may help C-suite executives understand how adopting Agile can impact them and their organization. The working hypothesis develops incrementally as the activity progresses. The author also suggests how to plan a transformation based upon outcomes, 90-day horizons and themes, and offers an Agile sundial as a means of setting direction and illustrating progress.

In a recent webinar, Andreas Schlosser, Alan Martinovich, and Philipp Seidel examined the state of the automotive industry and what it might look like after the pandemic. They urged industry players — manufacturers, dealers, distributors, OEMs, and the full supply chain — to make bold decisions right now to be ready for a “new normal.” In this Advisor, we share some of the answers to questions participants asked about the actions carmakers should take now to set themselves up to win in the post-corona era.

In Part I of this three-part Executive Update series, we look at the myriad ways that data can operate in your organization. In Part II, we will take the concept further and examine the four dimensions of information superiority in greater detail. Finally, Part III will show how all this impacts building an effective roadmap toward creating a data-driven business.
To ensure success when implementing low-code/no-code solutions, companies should consider the five important priorities described in this Advisor.
In creative ensembles where leadership isn’t an assigned role or position, a series of actions or behaviors enables collective creativity and can be enacted by every member of the team. In these groups, it’s imperative that every member participates in leadership actions and is prepared to take the lead at any moment.

In today’s highly competitive environment, it can be challenging to fulfill the development and operational demands needed to keep your businesses running while also continuing to expand and enhance your digital capabilities. This is where “citizen developers” can help — and where “low-code/no-code” (NC/LC) solutions shine.

This week's Cutter Edge explores the challenge we face in ensuring the data we collect and analyze promotes a better life for all on this planet, rather than increasing the imbalances and dysfunctional behaviors; why we need to break out of familiar patterns in order to be open to innovation; and more.