Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Even those who recognize the advantages of a cloud-based remote access platform over a VPN might argue that the current WFH solution is a temporary anomaly. In that case, why not just muddle through with a VPN until things get back to normal?
We have typically found in the acquisition process that EA is primarily a technical capability and engaged in a constrained fashion. In most firms, the EA team does not possess the necessary critical business knowledge and, therefore, is not able to contribute to the acquisition process through direct engagement. At some pioneering firms, however, the reformation of EA has explicitly aimed to build a business strategy competence in the EA team by giving enterprise architect roles the responsibility for business and operations architectures.
This edition of The Cutter Edge examines business strategies necessary to prepare for crises, identifies the tactics to whole company transformation, explores the processes and practices that support business agility, and more.
This Executive Update investigates blockchain adoption in the transport industry; it also describes common challenges and provides practical recommendations for the future.
An important trend is the development of emotion recognition technology for speech-based systems with the goal of optimized customer engagement while providing an enhanced customer experience.
A new wave of innovation within healthcare is driving the need for more advanced, robust, and scalable hospital information systems (HIS). Healthcare providers — hospitals, in particular — are starting to reorient their investments in core technologies and how technology vendors are adapting their solutions and services to meet these needs. Here in Part II of this two-part series of Advisors, we look at three challenges of digitalization as well as eight key trends changing the HIS solution space.
To mitigate cybersecurity threats, it is essential to understand the cycle of infor­ma­tion security governance and control: preparation, prevention, detection, response, and learning. This information security management cycle provides important guidance to organizations dealing with security incidents. However, in the con­text of Industry 4.0, these five tasks present different challenges. This Advisor explores the challenges of cybersecurity management.
In this two-part Advisor series, we illustrate how healthcare providers — hospitals, in particular — are starting to reorient their investments in core technologies and how technology vendors are adapting their solutions and services to meet these needs. Here in Part I, we focus on the key features of this paradigm shift.