Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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Cui Zou, Wangchuchu Zhao, and Keng Siau respond directly to COVID-19 by framing the skills and training necessary to survive crises. The authors focus on the importance of helping organizations prepare beyond the current pandemic by teaching everyone how to use the technology tools — and exploit the processes — around remote working.
Mark Lee gets specific about how pandemics should solve long-term work-from-home (WFH) problems. He discusses why VPNs are problematic, how they can — and should — be replaced, and why we need a long-term WFH strategy.
Through a series of equations, Dave Cherry outlines how to maintain customer loyalty before and after crises. He asserts that “for technology and business leaders to count among the bold, deciphering how to capitalize on this opportunity requires a foundation of confidence, flexibility, and resiliency — all anchored and enabled by knowledge.”
The article is a reminder that all management must be anchored in simple, adaptive business acumen. Barsky notes that “the convergence of tech­nology trends, evolving business dynamics, and the economic ramifications of the pandemic require astute business management, particularly in organizations now left with little room for error.”
The articles in this issue discuss various aspects of corporate crisis management and how business technology can help companies deal with crises of all kinds, but especially those that change everything. Some of the articles are strategic; some are tactical. But they’re all engaging and useful, with purposeful points of view.
Effective risk management begins with a culture in which reality isn’t overwhelmed by hubris. No project manager can be a good risk manager in a political environment in which executives are so gung ho that it blinds them from the reality. Effective risk management requires that executives and project managers make hard tradeoff decisions as the speculative hypotheses we call plans are smashed against the reality of the rough-and-tumble business world.
Several fundamental Agile principles drive behaviors that can improve an organization’s ability to make use of its data. One of the Agile behaviors that is key in identifying and analyzing data, and eventually for designing a solution, is the use of cross-functional teams.
Digital transformation needs to address the whole company as part of the larger strategy. Transforming the digital aspects of your company means transforming the whole company.