Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

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The “new normal” for the automotive industry will look very different from that of the last decade. Players — manufacturers, dealers, distributors, OEMs, and the full supply chain — will need to make bold decisions right now to be ready. In this webinar on demand, Andreas Schlosser, Alan Martinovich, and Philipp Seidel divulge the actions carmakers should take now to set themselves up for the new normal and win in the post-corona era.
Cutter Consortium Senior Consultant and frequent contributor Paul Clermont uses his well-known “straight talking” style to paint a clear picture of the “broad scope of threats” we are facing. He uses anthropological analogies to explain the “circles of trust” we use in deciding what to believe. Clermont doesn’t shy from the potential conflicts among information transparency, privacy, and intellectual property. He then looks at the proper role of governments in creating the frameworks and standards that can help improve trustworthiness.
David Tayouri brings us the perspective of the Israeli defense environment, justly famous for its leadership in cybersecurity. For Tayouri, the combination of biometrics, asymmetric cryptography (think “PKI”), and blockchain can help construct a strong authentication and authorization environment, which is crucial to, in his words, “reconstruct virtual trust.”
Philippe Flichy tells us that there are three complementary facets we need to consider when it comes to trustworthiness, particu­larly in an industrial environment: trusting the data, a challenge made more difficult by the emergence of IoT, digital transformation, and cyberattacks; trusting the tools, for example, the machine learning algorithms whose innards are, almost by design, largely inscrutable; and trusting the people, given the pandemic-era new work practices.
Using the “technology as the solution” line of thought but with the added twist of putting a human in the loop, a team of eight coauthors led by Greek academic Panagiotis Monachelis proposes to combine peer-to-peer decentralized networks and blockchain technology to address the challenge of misinformation in social media. The authors provide a detailed description of an architecture, embodied in their research project called EUNOMIA, that allows end users to review posts and feed a secure voting system.
Robert A. Martin addresses the complete ecosystem involved in the procurement of products and services. What does it mean to trust that what you buy, and the organizations that sell to you, meet all the conditions required to merit your trust? Martin describes the elements of a system of trust for supply chain security that is currently under development and is based on collecting information from a wide community of procurement departments and standards organizations.
This issue’s contributors have addressed the question of trustworthiness from a variety of angles. Each article offers a significant contribution to the challenge of restoring and maintaining trust.
Although organizations at the forefront of digital transformation have successfully deployed the combi­nation of design thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile methods and immensely benefitted from them, most technology organizations and their leaders still do not appreciate how the three complement each other.