Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

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From the need for more tech­nology regulation to what technologies will be most transformative, from guidelines for keeping our data safe to minimizing the profusion of misinformation — we are sure you’ll find value in the observations in this issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal. We trust that they’ll give you the foresight to proceed with optimism, yet vigilance, into this new decade.

With all that is new and changing before our eyes, we asked the Cutter Consortium team of experts to weigh in on the technologies, strategies, and business models that will have the most relevance this year and beyond.

Helen Pukszta brings us up to speed on the trends shaping drone usage. She foresees more enactment of regulations and new opportunities for business users of drones as well as for drone technology providers. According to Pukszta, “Regulatory changes, new drone technology, and continuing business adoption will make 2020 an exciting year for all drone users, but many sweeping changes, opportunities, and automation benefits of drones are still ahead of us.” How might your organization benefit from drones?

Barry M. O’Reilly questions the validity of Agile practices. According to him, “The Agile movement’s focus on process as the solution to uncertainty has allowed technical quality to fall by the wayside, bringing even more doubt as to the ability of Agile to actually deliver.” O’Reilly contends that “only the people working directly with a problem can decide on tools and process in the evolving picture of their project, and their individual talents — not adherence to or avoidance of certain ideas — guide whether they achieve success or not.” What is your opinion on Agile versus talent, or is it Agile and talent?

Agile budgeting in the value streams is about products, rather than projects, forming the value stream portfolio. A product can already exist and generate value or can be an innovative idea that may turn into a component of the value stream portfolio.

The combination of a blockchain data structure and a set of consensus rules allows something magical to happen: stateless, bankless, digital money (aka cryptocurrency). More precisely, what is loosely described as a cryptocurrency is a fungible “token” that is “native” to a blockchain. The major native tokens can be exchanged for the government-backed fiat currencies we are more used to, but smart contracts can create and maintain special-purpose tokens.

This issue of The Cutter Edge discusses the use of an architectural strategy for digital business success, why complementary paths to legacy transformation offer an easy way to acquire new digital capabilities and intellectual capital, and the three roadblocks standing in the way of digital transformation. 

This Executive Update series examines the extent that organizations are using or planning to use CX practices and technologies, the status of implementing CX management, the establishment of dedicated enterprise CX groups, and the reason such groups oversee CX initiatives. Here in Part VIII, we examine survey findings about the use cases and domains organizations see as most viable for applying CX.