Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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In this Executive Update we summarize our view of the future transportation and logistics market and outline possible paths forward for incumbents. Our analysis is applicable to industries outside the transportation and logistics market as well.

Cutter Consortium Fellow Stijn Viaene admits that embarking on a digital transformation isn't easy — but there are five keys to success. He breaks down these tips, distilled from his research, via a plan of action that can help organizations on the road to digital transformation.

How should project teams corral the natural but emotional forces exerting pressure on project decision making and processes?

Transformation of a company and managing through change are inherently difficult. The inclusion of a digital component in this transformation effort makes the work that much more challenging, even for the sharpest and most visionary of executives. Companies undertaking digital transformation, in our opinion and based on our experience, face four major challenges that we believe design thinking tools can help overcome. In this Advisor, we explore two of these challenges and explain how design thinking can provide solutions.

AI strategy, at its core, must address vital questions, such as the following: How can AI deliver better value to customers? How can it help companies increase revenues, enhance efficiency, and reduce human errors? How can AI capabilities be integrated into the existing organizational processes to develop a distinct competitive advantage? To address those questions, AI strategy must closely align with a company’s business objectives, ensuring synergy between the corporate strategy and the AI strategy.

In Part III of this Executive Update series on design thinking and digital transformation, we examine the top challenges that arise from pursuing a digital transformation strategy and how design thinking tools and the design thinking process can help address these challenges.

This issue of CBTJ will help you understand that a data architecture should be much more than merely a technology roadmap. To be of any value to people in an organization, the architecture should guide the people in an organization to an understanding of how to organize for ever-changing information requirements.

Christian Kaul and Lars Rönnbäck explore what it means to adopt a data-centric paradigm. It certainly isn’t enough to have a data-centric data architecture; the implications are much more fundamental. The ultimate consequence is that you need to create a model-driven organization. By doing so, data architecture determines the shape of the organization, not the other way around.