Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

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Doug Hadden’s article focuses on the opportunities and threats for governments in developing countries and emerging economies. Governments in developed countries exhibit a sophisticated policy design, enabling them to better exploit Industry 4.0, while developing countries and emerging economies, which have lower government effectiveness and less-sophisticated manu­facturing, face more obstacles to benefit from Industry 4.0. Hadden discusses the government and country context that must be considered when developing policy interventions to optimize the potential of 4IR while mitigating vulnerability. In this context, the author suggests that policymakers use a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) analysis to determine potential and vulnerability. He then recommends public policy interventions to maximize potential and reduce vulnerability.

Joel Nichols discusses the barriers and challenges facing regulated industries as they attempt to implement Industry 4.0 technologies and change their ­cul­ture. The article examines the questions that regu­lated industries must address as they embrace digital trans­formation and the advances that specific Industry 4.0 technologies can yield. The author argues that although digital transformation may require more time in regu­lated than in nonregulated industries, “the impact of regulated industry transformation on producers and consumers alike ultimately will be greater than that of the nonregulated sector.”

In this week's edition of The Cutter Edge, we'll explore how to leverage visuals to make your BA initiatives more effective, and examine the five technologies that could help automate your software development efforts.

People’s increased mobility, facilitated by air travel, has resulted in the increased spread of contagion across geopolitical boundaries. A growing awareness that bioterrorism agents could spread in the same way has raised the level of concern even more. Many practitioners and researchers agree that contact tracing, which is the identification and locating of people who may have been in contact with an infected person, represents an important factor in mitigating the spread of a pandemic.

About a quarter of surveyed organizations have appointed a “chief customer officer” (CCO) to ensure that the organization provides a unified and seamless customer journey/experience across all customer channels.

Scientific-based modeling systems contain extraord­inary amounts of data and produce mountains of output. These systems offer almost limitless options for providing the user with informed knowledge. This Advisor seeks to use the concept of technology embeddedness to delineate factors that are prohibiting emergency managers from harnessing the capability of scientific modeling systems when responding to disasters.

The growing prevalence of the Internet of Things, together with plummeting component costs, has made it possible to connect just about anything, from the very simple to the very complex, and to offer remote access, sensing, control, and monitoring. These technologies make it possible for healthcare providers and patients to work together to improve health in novel ways that were previously unimaginable. A critical element in this new model is that focusing on what is happening with the patient when they are not in front of a health pro­fessional, using sensors to deliver remote monitoring and a more complete picture of an individual’s health, is more likely to have an impact than focusing on the brief amount of time spent during in-person medical visits.

Here in Part II of this Executive Update series on customer experience (CX) management, we look at survey findings covering budgeting trends for CX initiatives and the status of the “chief customer officer” (CCO) in the enterprise.