Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Catch the Wave of Business Video

Curt Hall

One of the most important disruptive technologies that businesses can employ today is video. Video can benefit several business activities, including training, corporate communications, collaboration and knowledge sharing, and CRM.

Who Is Driving the Bus? The Cloud Standards Battle

Beth Cohen

One reason for slow cloud adoption within the enterprise has been a justifiable fear of vendor lock-in and proprietary systems partially caused by a woeful lack of cloud computing standards. Cloud migration or onboarding has long been hampered by the lack of virtual image standardization.

Staffing for the Big Data Future

Brian Dooley

Big Data and analytics are of growing importance to the enterprise. These areas have developed so swiftly and contain such levels of potential complexity that they are creating a variety of staffing issues.

IT Trust and Partnership

Bob Benson

I recently worked with two client management groups on the basics of trust and partnership between IT and business. This is a continuing and ongoing issue that affects our profession and is somewhat amazing to me, since we have been dealing with this problem for so many decades.

Connecting Macro with Micro

Israel Gat

In my Advisor "Reassessing Your Software Process," I drew a parallel between transaction cost and velocity. According to classical economic theory (see R.H.

Avoid Systems of Engagement Silos

Mike Rosen

There has been a lot of noise in the application development area around what are being called "systems of engagement" (SOE).

Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Collaboration: BFFs or Frenemies?

Claude Baudoin

[From the Editor: This week's Cutter IT Advisor is from Cutter Senior Consultant Claude Baudoin's introduction to the September 2012 issue of Cutter IT Journal, "IP, Innovation, and Collaboration: BFFs or Frenemies? " (Vol. 25, No. 9).

Tablets Take Off

Curt Hall

Each time I fly, I notice flight attendants taking passengers' food and drink orders on a pad of paper. I've thought for some time now that would be a perfect scenario for using a tablet device. So you can imagine just how pleased I was to learn recently that American Airlines (AA) is going to be doing just that.

What's a Knowledge Worker to Do? Part I

Vince Kellen

With the rise of Big Data analytics and significant improvements in high-performance computing, it is likely that more knowledge-worker jobs will get displaced. Industry and academia are finding new ways of mining data and performing complex tasks previously done only by humans. IBM's Watson’s adroitness at Jeopardy may precede, by perhaps only a few years, general-purpose computing’s ability in diagnosing illnesses and processing complex business problems. Advanced image-processing capabilities can be applied to adding metadata to video files.

What's a Knowledge Worker to Do? Part I

Vince Kellen

With the rise of Big Data analytics and significant improvements in high-performance computing, it is likely that more knowledge-worker jobs will get displaced. Industry and academia are finding new ways of mining data and performing complex tasks previously done only by humans.

The Path to Communication Mastery

Gil Broza

Your smartphone dings to signal the arrival of an email. Upon seeing its title, "Build #452 failed," your stress level doubles. You approach Rae, a talented developer, and say, in a slightly ticked-off tone, "I notice the build broke."

Architecture Description: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011

Roger Evernden

The idea of having a standard for describing architectures was first debated in the 1990s.

Cloud Computing: What's Next?

Claude Baudoin

Just a couple of years ago, we were witnessing -- and some of us were deploring -- the "irrational exuberance" as well as the uncontrolled fears of many customers and decision makers about cloud computing.

Sharing Data for Better Intelligence: Necessity or Utopia?

Claude Baudoin

A paradox increasingly confronts a number of researchers and analysts: to derive value from data, you need a lot of it. We now have the tools to analyze these large amounts, but few institutions, at least in the private sector, are willing to make it available to others.

"Why Can't the FBI Build a Case Management System?" Part I

Ken Orr

If you are a CIO, project manager, or chief architect involved in or contemplating a very large system replacement, you owe it to yourself to read Jerome (Jack) Israel's article in IEEE Computer entitled, " Why Can't the FBI Build a Case Management System?" It is a

Email and Messaging: The Third Rail of IT Services

Jim Love

For those not familiar with the structure of subways, the third rail is the one that carries the power for the trains. Under no circumstances do you ever want to touch it.

Processes, Value Streams, and Capabilities

Mike Rosen

There is often much confusion between processes, value streams, and capabilities. While each is intended to describe business operations in some way, each has a different purpose, focus, and use.

Effects of Big Data

Brian Dooley

Big Data describes the evolutionary results of digitization, storage growth, and processing capability. It encompasses the growth of data in volume, variety, and velocity resulting from the increasing amounts of digitized material and data generated on the Internet.

Big Data Security in Hadoop

Curt Hall

As more traditional enterprises start to move their Hadoop projects into production, they are confronting the big question: How do we ensure data security and compliance in Big Data environments like Hadoop?

Of London Plane Trees, Baseball, and the Risk of Opportunities Lost

Robert Charette

While recently raking together a large pile of freshly fallen leaves from the London Plane trees in my yard, it occurred to me that they had a strong connection to the ongoing pitcher risk-reward controversy involving the Washington Nationals baseball team.

The Power of "Showback" to IT Customers -- Moving IT into the "Driver's Seat"

Bob Multhaup

I have heard so many CIOs say they just want to be able to walk into the offices of their internal customers -- business-unit VPs and other executives -- and show them exactly the real, fully loaded costs of the systems they are using and the financial consequences of some of the demands they push on IT without full knowledge of costs.

A Practical Agile Manifesto -- An Issue of Balance

Bhuvan Unhelkar
Thinking outside the box is a great approach -- but note how it only works if there is a box!

My "baptism" in programming was based on a discussion scratched on the back of my user's used-up cigarette case.

Seven Tips to Take Process Modeling to the Next Level

Andrew Spanyi

There have been significant advances in process modeling tools over the past decade. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that companies are getting good value from the time and effort they have invested in process modeling.

Resolving Big Data Analytics Challenges, Issues, and Concerns

Tushar Hazra

In my last Advisor (“ Big Data Analytics in a Socially Infused Healthcare Enterprise”), I shared an account of leveraging Big Data analytics in a large healthcare IT organization.

Reassessing Your Software Process

Israel Gat

A process, in my honest opinion, is the product of its era. It reflects the needs, the constraints, and the predicaments of its time. As those change, the process needs to evolve in tandem. If it does not, it is likely to become obsolete.