Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Revealing the "Hidden Culture" in an Organization

Scott Stribrny, Jim Stanton

How can we identify and verify the often hidden working cultures that describe the rules of engagement used by stakeholders in all parts of the organization on a daily basis? This Advisor provides some answers.

What’s Hindering Organizations’ CX Management Initiatives?

Curt Hall

To meet increasingly elevated customer expectations, organizations are implementing detailed strategies for distributing and standardizing customer experience (CX) practices and technologies across their various lines of business. In this Advisor, we explore the five most significant challenges organizations face in implementing CX strategies and supporting technologies.

Streamlining Agile at Scale

JanWillem Sieben, Jan Paul Fillie, Cristina Popescu

Nowadays, there is a huge popular demand for Agile as a means to enable change and accelerate value. Popularity, however, is something other than reality; for most companies, the introduction of Agile requires a significant mindset shift. This almost always meets resistance from several directions in the organization. In addition, Agile adoption is often accompanied by some element of inefficiency and chaos if left unguided. The authors of this Advisor describe some specific ways organizations have combined architecture with Agile thinking and methods to improve their results.

Regulation Experimentation: Innovation Sandboxes

Salvatore Moccia, Katia Passerini, Igor Tomic

Fintech firms are bringing to market a variety of technologies to introduce new products and compete with existing firms. However, the financial markets have a long history of regulation, meant to protect depositors and stakeholders and maintain the safety and soundness of the financial system. The industry must begin by creating an experimental space (a small market), where technology and its related products can be introduced. This is known as a “sandbox.”

Benefits of Leveraging Business Architecture for Nonprofits and Small Organizations

Whynde Kuehn

Most organizations do not begin creating and leveraging business architecture until they have reached a certain size and start to encounter challenges such as poor customer experience, complexity within the business and technology environment, or ineffective strategy execution. However, if organizations instead employed business architecture from the very beginning — even in a very lightweight manner — they could likely avoid these challenges as they scale.

Business Technology Trends & Predictions, 2019 — An Introduction

Cutter Team

The year 2019 will be a time of perpetual technological innovation. A plethora of technologies will continue to evolve, improve, and become more widely adopted, with a growing set of new applications strategically applied across industries. We hope that this issue of CBTJ will help you prioritize your business technology objectives and chart your journey forward in today’s digitally competitive world.


Today's CDO Does a Different Sort of Data Wrangling

Michael Atkin

Today’s chief data officer not only needs to rethink the relationship between data producer and data consumer but must become intimately familiar with the new requirements for predictive modeling (to unravel scenarios and identify patterns), advanced query (to follow an idea into discovery), and data visualization (to understand interconnections) — the big three for data analytics.

The Futuring of Work

Stowe Boyd

The technologies of this era — the postnormal era, the fourth industrial revolution, or any of its other synonyms — have accelerated society to such an extent that we have been, in effect, colonized by the future. Work is being futured at a pace driven by the advance of our fastest technologies and the consequent blurring among digital, physical, biological, and even cognitive systems. 

An Agile Myth: Large Batches Are Optimal

Hubert Smits, Peter Borsella

With twice the product in half the time™ being a generic goal for industry, what exactly is going wrong in today’s industrial environment? What stops or delays improvements in product delivery, despite embracing practices from Lean and Six Sigma? Why does it take years to get a new product out of the manufacturing plant? This Advisor seeks to demystify one of the myths that surrounds Agile product development: the myth that one way to optimize people’s time is to have them work on large batches: design the whole product, build a full prototype, test a full prototype, and design manufacturing only when the prototype passes all tests. The thinking is that this will reduce task-switching, eliminate mistakes, and achieve the desired high utilization of people. By planning the work in phases, we believe we can prevent problems in the phases that follow.

Case Study: Architecture as a Tool to Prevent and Resolve Technical Debt

JanWillem Sieben, Jan Paul Fillie, Cristina Popescu

Combining the fundamentally different paradigms of Agile architecture and architectural agility can prove to reinforce one another. In a real-world case study from the consumer sector, this Advisor describes one company’s experience combining Agile and EA.

AI Design and Development in the Organization: In-House or Outside Experts?

Curt Hall

As part of a Cutter Consortium survey, we wanted to gain a better understanding of how organizations are currently designing and implementing their artificial intelligence (AI) applications: whether they are designing and building their applications in-house or whether they are also turning to AI consultancies to assist them with their efforts.

AI + Blockchain for Digital Rights Management

Curt Hall

Architectures that combine blockchain and AI offer some exciting possibilities, not only for DRM, but for other applications as well — like supply chain, financial, and trading systems. These include those systems that need to provide responses to events that require a higher form of reasoning than can be practically performed using blockchain’s smart contract functionality alone. Researchers are now working out the particulars of such applications, and we hope to see commercial platforms emerging over the next few years.

Fintech Gives Marketing a Big Data Boost: A Case Study

Keng Siau, Michael Hilgers, Langtao Chen, Steve Liu, Fiona Nah, Richard Hall, Barry Flachsbart

In this Advisor, the authors use the case of a fictitious financial company to take a detailed look at fintech and marketing and how a company can leverage big data, analytics, marketing, and financial services. 

Build in Testability and Resilience in Agile Architecture

Bob Galen

One of the keys to a solid architecture is considering how your organization will test it. This is true not only from an end-to-end perspective, but also when considering areas like usability, performance, security, reliability, and resilience. You must make these investments in quality and testing transparent to your stakeholders and help them realize their value proposition.

Taking a Capability Assessment Approach to Business Value

Whynde Kuehn

When people speak of capability assessments, they are referring to capturing and maintaining various metrics about the capabilities in their capability map, which can then be assessed to identify improvement opportunities and make such decisions as where to invest. Capturing these attributes provides a more complete view of each capability, beyond mere definitional information, making capabilities much more useful in practice. Organizations can use capability assessment information in a variety of proactive or reactive scenarios.

Human Nature Affects Organizational Situational Awareness

Scott Stribrny, Jim Stanton

It’s human nature for people to do whatever they can to avoid threats to their well-being. This constant vigil includes changing organizational culture to fit within personal comfort zones. Consequently, the stakeholders in an organization do certain things in certain ways to meet what they believe to be their job responsibilities. Their actions are based on their perceptions of the best results for them within their framework of reference with as little effort as possible. These “in practice” rules of engagement are difficult to determine and subsequently manage.

Follow the Data

Claude Baudoin

One of the key reasons organizations invoke for staying away from public clouds is security, and specifically the risk that unauthorized parties will access data. From a technology perspective, placing data in a public cloud may actually improve security rather than weaken it. We explore the four simple reasons for this in this Advisor.

Organizational Agility: A Tool for Self-Assessment

Claude Emond

We cannot measure organizational agility from a simple definition. We must break down this definition into some measurable elements and build a measurement tool around those elements. Luckily for us, many scholars and others have worked on developing such tools. In this Advisor, we explore one of them.

Pervasive Connectivity: A Driver of Change

Salvatore Moccia, Katia Passerini, Igor Tomic

Several factors are leading the fintech revolution and affecting technological innovations. These include cryptocurrencies, tokens, initial coin offerings, blockchain, and other security advancements (i.e., multifactor and biometric authentication). The ability of the financial services industry to experiment with these new technologies responsibly is an essential component of their future success and sustainability. The disruption affecting innovation in the financial industry is also driven by the pervasive connectivity that characterizes today’s telecommunications sector, enabled by the diffusion of Internet access worldwide and the integration of the Internet with other sensor-based technologies, forming the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure.

Fintech: Emerging Trends, Future Directions — An Introduction

Steve Andriole

The range of potential fintech applications includes all the vertical industries and nearly every business model and process that enables them. No industry or process is safe from the disruptive impact that fintech will have in the next five years. This month's Cutter Business Technology Journal demonstrates fintech’s importance and explores the different levels of fintech technologies, experimentation, and applications.

The Cloud and “Shadow IT”

Claude Baudoin

We have learned that the cloud has enabled a shadow IT to emerge. That sounds scary (mostly to the IT people), right? But we have also learned that shadow IT is not totally a bad thing, as long as there is communication, coordination, architecture, and governance. We discuss this shadow IT more specifically in this Advisor.

Putting Out Fire: Monitoring Electrical Infrastructure and Wildfire Prevention with AI

Curt Hall

The bad news is that wildfires worldwide appear to be increasing — both in frequency and intensity. The good news is that the electrical utilities are applying AI for the inspection and analysis of critical infrastructure in an effort to detect and prevent wildfires caused by extreme weather, encroaching vegetation, and infrastructure failure.

Justifying Cloud: It's About Agility

Claude Baudoin

We have learned that a big part of the motivation or benefit for going to the cloud is agility. Call it flexibility or scalability if you want, but “agility” is a bit broader and evokes the principles of the Agile movement. The cloud allows you to try something, fail, and move on to something else with relatively less severe consequences. The cloud does not require you to calculate with high accuracy the amount of resources you will need, or the length of time you will need them. You should be able to scale up and down, to add and remove services, to get the latest updates, and so on — without having to do the work yourself.

5 Key Steps to Create an Effective Security Incident Response Plan

Aurobindo Sundaram

Most organizations will experience a large security incident at some point. The difference between an organization that survives and thrives following an incident versus one that flounders can be summed up in one word: preparation. Athletes, emergency responders, performers, and many others practice for hours before the main event. So why do organizations not do the same for security incidents? Urgent timelines, high stress, uncontrollable events, and scrutiny from customers, regulators, press, and investors are surely good reasons to put better preparation practice in place. While many organizations have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan, few focus on preparing specifically for a large security incident. In this Advisor, we examine the preparation of a strategic incident response plan.

Transformational Cloud Projects Require a Broader Perspective

Lukasz Paciorkowski

For almost 20 years, cloud and related technologies have been transforming entire industries. Interestingly, most of the discussions around transformation tend to focus on the technical aspects, technical solutions, platforms, and various as-a-service offerings. Although the technology perspective is very important, it’s not the most critical. Truly transformational projects require a much broader perspective. In this Advisor, we explore the impact of cloud-enabled transformation on product lifecycle, processes, and organizational culture.