Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

A Disciplined Agile Approach to Business Agility — An Introduction

Scott Ambler, Mark Lines

Business agility is something that emerges over time through a lot of hard work. Excelling at it requires true agility across all of IT, not just software development, as well as a disciplined organization that can leverage the IT capability. And, because the environment in which your organization operates evolves over time, and your competitors and partners also evolve, business agility proves to be a moving target in practice.

In the Move to AI, Focus on the Data

Raj Ramesh

Building AI systems is a huge undertaking. Therefore, most companies should focus on helping employees adjust to the new world of AI, curating the right data and leaving the mechanics of building AI systems to vendors.

Communicating Toward an Agile Transformation

Paul Oldfield

Communication is difficult. It turns out that this approach of opening minds to the potential benefits of opposing ideas can be very valuable. Time and again we find that the best approach is at neither end of the scale, but instead at a “sweet spot” that balances the forces and harvests the best aspects of either end of the scale.

The CIO and the Holistic Business Case for Cloud Migration

Cutter Consortium

CIOs and their teams must make sure the business case for cloud migration is aligned with key business priorities, and that their migration plan addresses a few fundamental key success factors.

What Do Agile Leaders Do?

Don MacIntyre

Agile leaders empower their workforce. Agile leaders enable teams to take ownership of their work and trust them to get their job done. What we typically find when teams are empowered to figure out how they will accomplish their goals is that they not only deliver, but they collaborate more and enjoy their work more. As a result, productivity rises. Agile leaders establish the vision, build awesome teams, support them, and get out of the way.

Disruptors and IT: Shaping EA

Jan Paul Fillie, Karel Auwerda, JanWillem Sieben

What are disruptors doing that we can learn from and shape the EA toward?

Will AI Live Up to All the Hype?

Curt Hall

Whether AI eventually lives up to all the hype obviously remains to be seen; however, I expect that we are going to witness some innovative and disrupting applications in the not-too-distant future.

Decisions, Decisions: Examining 3 Types of Decision Models

Sachin Mahajan

This Advisor explores the mechanics behind various decision-making models and examines the boundaries and use cases for each. It discusses the qualitative value that experience or intuition can add to data-driven quantitative analysis, thereby providing the best approach to decision making.

AI and the Future of Business Meetings

Dave Damer

AI’s disruption has yet to be felt in the workplace, but there are waves of changes coming our way that will alter the way we work as well as the type of work we do.

The Value of the EA Charter

Avinash Malik

Many EA efforts start with an exercise to create a vision and mission statement for enterprise architecture. These sessions often consume considerable time with a group of people thinking about the definition of EA and discussing details of frameworks and practices. The result is typically called an EA charter. While some of these efforts are useful, others are not. In this Advisor, we consider the value of the EA charter.

Enterprise Architecture as a Transformation Capability

Stefan Henningsson, Gustav Toppenberg

We believe that at the heart of the ability to manage an ongoing and multilayered organizational transformation rests a sophisticated enterprise architecture capability with a specific charter to act as a transformation engine connecting strategic intent and execution excellence.

Designing Cognitive Computing Systems: 3 Recommendations

Kevin Desouza, Lena Waizenegger, Gregory Dawson

Designing cognitive computing systems (CCSs) requires a strong case for the investment into those systems. Organizations must not only be able to justify the initial investment into developing a CCS, but also think through the investments that will be needed to ensure it can be refined and enhanced over time.

7 Traits Good Project Managers Share: Do You Have Them?

Scott Stribrny

I’ve had the good fortune for decades to work with project managers in companies ranging across many industries. From these experiences, the best project managers I’ve worked with seem to have the following traits.

Beyond Bitcoin: Tokenized Integrity

James Motherway

There is perhaps only one thing more crucial to secure than money: information. The heavy burdens associated with securing the authenticity and history of data are well-known to several sectors.

The Business Architecture Summit: Lessons from the Mountain

Whynde Kuehn

Establishing business architecture within an organization takes passion, persistence, and patience. Inspired by over a decade and a half of helping organizations to mature their practices — combined with personal mountaineering experiences — this Advisor shares a few lessons for conquering the “business architecture summit” using mountains as metaphor.

Artificial Intelligence: Fear It, Face It, or Embrace It — An Introduction

San Murugesan

In this issue, we examine some of these questions along with the drivers of AI global trends and their impli­cations — now and in the future. Our contributing authors provide insights on key opportunities, strategies, and approaches for realizing AI’s potential and discuss emerging issues and concerns, including how AI may impact jobs and businesses.

Open Source or Commercial AI Provider's Platform?

Curt Hall

Based on responses so far, an ongoing Cutter Consortium survey on the adoption and application of AI technology provides some insight into the issue of enterprise AI adoption trends.

Lift the Mask of POSIWID

Laurie Guillodo, Greg Smith, Mandeep Dhillon

“The purpose of a system is what it does” — referring to “system” as the company as a whole — means that a company’s statements of intent (“we are an innovative, digital native company”), or even its market analysis or the initiatives it has undertaken, are secondary to what a company actually does.

You Can't Go Home: How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Insurance

Shanique Hall

The industry is ripe for transformation in areas including customer service and marketing, claims management and fraud detection, and underwriting.

The Enterprise Architect’s Approach to Organizational Change

Paul Teeuwen

This Advisor explores one approach that has been particularly effective in making enterprise architects understand the realities of organizational change in their own context.

How Leaders Can Connect the Digital Backbone to the Business

Gustav Toppenberg

Digital transformation is commonplace in today’s economy. Digital transformation leaders and enterprise architects have a choice to make in developing their digital backbone. The digital backbone can be an asset in ensuring that digital transformation efforts are carried out in such a way that they are in align­ment with the enterprise and its approach to transformation. 

Developing a Big Data Strategic Approach

Bhuvan Unhelkar

A strategic approach around big data not only includes the multiple analytical, architectural, project, and technical elements in a synergistic manner, but also pays due attention to the financial and people aspects, resulting in business value.

What Makes a Great Agile Leader?

Arlen Bankston

In this Advisor, we consider what leaders are expected to do within Agile organizations, then see how these duties translate to a set of desired skills and personality traits.

A Digital Backbone Is Key to Digital Transformation

Gustav Toppenberg

The existence of a digital backbone in an organization means that anyone aspiring and planning to transform different parts of the enterprise will be able to leverage the digital backbone in a consistent and sustainable way, ensuring that each effort connects to and leverages a common platform. 

9 Properties of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory

Roger Sweetman, Kieran Conboy

Even radical approaches to change management, such as business process engineering or Lean, assume there is a desirable endpoint (however temporary) toward which change is directed. However, what if change happens so continuously that no fixed endpoint exists for any initiative, but instead organizations must constantly change, not just to succeed, but even to survive?