Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

The Left-Hemisphere to Right-Hemisphere Shift: Pathways for Change

John Ehrenfeld
The right hemi­sphere of the metaphoric brain of firms will track and reflect changes in its employees’ brains, so firms must introduce new practices requiring mastery of the right hemisphere. As that shift occurs, the negative conse­quences of the firm’s actions should begin to abate.

Northwestern Medicine’s RMS: Improving Patient Care with AI Imaging Innovation

Curt Hall
Northwestern Medicine has developed a very innovative NLP application — integrated within the hospital EHR system — designed to solve a practical and pressing healthcare problem: missed follow-ups associated with incidental findings from diagnostic imaging. This Advisor explores the significance of this innovative artificial intelligence application.

The "Inner-Leader Journey": Key Shifts Needed to Thrive in a Turbulent Future

Bill Fox
The inner-leader journey will help you see reality more as it truly is and give you the insight, wisdom, and courage to share it with others. I believe it is critical for our teams and team members to make this shift in order to thrive and achieve success in a turbulent world.

The Reinforcing Loops of Consumption, the Economy, and Resource Depletion

Pradipta Chakraborty
Material desires instigate purchases intended to bolster significance, which fosters increased materialism. Purchases increase GDP, which creates jobs and financial well-being and facilitates more purchases. Increased production to raise GDP uses carbon-based resources and further depletes them. This interdependence has locked society into what psychologists call a “social trap,” in which the pursuit of short-term individual gains leads to a loss for the group as a whole in the long run.

Pharma: Current Challenges in the Data Processing Space

Jacek Chmiel
In this Advisor, we talk about two of the near-term challenges in the pharma data processing space: data standards and data quality management.

Understanding the Synergy Between the Industrial and Knowledge Revolutions

Jim Brosseau
When looking at the characteristics of both the Industrial Revolution and the new knowledge revolution, there is a synergy between them that is critical to helping us understand how to reconcile them.

Earth Day 2022: Creating a Greener Planet for Everyone’s Survival

San Murugesan
For Earth Day 2022, let’s examine the climate and environmental risks and challenges facing us and how we can help address them and regain the glory of the Earth and the environment on which we largely depend. While there are amazing ongoing efforts, much more needs to be done by each one of us, including businesses, governments, and regulatory agencies.

Health 3.0, Blockchain, and Equideum: Innovation Leads to New Business Models

Curt Hall
Healthcare and life sciences companies are applying machine learning, Internet of Things, big data analytics, wearables, blockchain, and other advanced technologies across various processes and operations. Simply put, the degree of innovation taking place within these industries utilizing these technologies is stunning — even to the point where we are seeing new business models that could potentially threaten existing industries.

Environmental Responsibility: A New Definition

Simon Schillebeeckx
By equating sustainability with the reduction of the negative externalities of our industrial processes, ultimately we are assigning environmental responsibility based on a company’s processes. This is meaningful if you are working in the making, moving, or mining of things, but less so if you operate outside of those industries. Thus, we need a new sustainability target that does not limit our collective responsibility to the boundaries of our organizations, as carbon footprinting does, but considers the boundaries of employee consumption.

During and After Pandemic, Resilience Is Key for Cybersecurity Departments

Yassine Maleh
This Advisor takes a closer look at cyber resilience: companies must protect data systems against cyberattackers trying to take advantage of pandemic-related changes and must adjust their crisis management measures to ensure continuity of activities when a crisis develops.

The Psychology Behind the Sunk-Cost Fallacy in Project Management

Scott Stribrny
Leaders need to avoid falling victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Measure your organization’s perceptions about its emotional investment as well as whatever reputation, political capital, money, time, or any other resource it has committed to the project thus far. The most important step to freeing yourself from making poor decisions based on sunk costs is to recognize the logical fallacy. Even simply being aware of it will help you make more rational decisions in the future.

Generating Business Advantage with Effective Sustainability Strategies

Tom Teixeira, Thomas Black, Kurt Baes, Martijn Eikelenboom
As we explore in this Advisor, the global sustainability landscape is constantly evolving, with some governments and multinational companies leading the way to generate real business advantage. On the other hand, there is evidence that poor sustainability performance is becoming very costly, and proposed regulations will potentially make it more so.

Effective Cybersecurity Means Doing the Basics Well

Michael Papadopoulos, Richard Phillips, David Woodlock, Foivos Christoulakis
Most cyberattacks come from known vectors and methods that are well-defined. As we explore in this Advisor, these threats can be effectively defended against by ensuring that basic security measures are in place.

Leaders: Steer Toward the Right Technology Portfolio for a Future-Fit Business

Pradipta Chakraborty
CIOs and CTOs must steer their organizations toward the right technology portfolio to effectively realize sustainable business models while generating value for stakeholders. Their role in continuously assessing, designing, and implementing sustainable business models by engaging effectively in a sustainable business model canvas can ensure a future-fit business, which will take organizations closer to a zero or negative impact on socio-ecological systems.

What About Methane?

Curt Hall
Current interest around sustainability and net-zero initiatives mostly focuses on efforts to reduce carbon emissions associated with various products and services. But, as we explore in this Advisor, methane is another emission that wreaks havoc on the environment and deserves our attention.

The Role of Business Architecture in Software Design: A Q&A

William Ulrich
In this Advisor, we share a Q&A session from Cutter Fellow William Ulrich's recent webinar on the role of business architecture in software design.

Effective Conflict Management Can Improve Project Success

Shasheela Devi Karuppiah, Ezuria Nadzri, Govindan Marthandan
A successful project relies on good relationships among team members. To achieve this, managers must be prepared to address three types of communication-related issues: project conflict, relationship conflict, and task conflict.

Drone Delivery: Enabling Sustainability with a Smaller Environmental Footprint

Helen Pukszta
Drones will have a future positive impact on advanced air mobility, particularly in the area of package delivery. As we explore in this Advisor, drones can be used in this manner to enable sustain­ability while at the same time leaving a relatively small footprint.

Is IT Project Failure as Lucrative as IT Project Success?

Robert Charette
Of all the IT projects underway during the past 15 years, only a small proportion can be classified as “bleeding edge.” The vast majority have been mod­ernizations of existing operational IT systems using proven computing technologies. Thus, it is hard to understand why the level of IT failure has remained relatively constant. This Advisor examines the factors underlying these failures.

Tech Leaders Benefit from a Cyber-Savvy Boardroom

Bob Zukis, Noah Barsky
CISOs, CIOs, and other technology leaders are well-served with a strong digital- and cyber-savvy corporate board, as are shareholders and other corporate stake­holders. In a world increasingly dependent on complex digital systems for growth and resiliency, ensuring the boardroom is a critical digital and cyber-control point is a necessary and overdue step.

Digital Twins for Sustainability: Current Status & Applications

Curt Hall
Digital twins provide an advanced form of simulation and modeling for building virtual digital versions of real-world entities and processes. How are organizations using digital twins to implement sustainability projects? This Advisor considers the use of digital twins in sustainability scenarios — including some real-world applications involving smart cities, smart buildings, and clean energy production.

Quantum Computing Will Drive Parallel Innovation

Joseph Byrum
This Advisor explores how the power behind quantum computing can enable today’s most difficult algorithms to be solved in a matter of seconds, enabling real-time processing, analysis, and modeling of data unthinkable with current methods. Parallel processing will accelerate the effectiveness of teams using data analytics to boost efficiency.

Leading Successful Tech Projects Requires Courage

Ralph Menzano
Why do technology projects succeed? The most vital ingredient is organizational and personal courage.

Green, Secure IoT for Enhanced Sustainability Strategies

San Murugesan

The Internet of Things (IoT) is being used — and can be used — in key business and industry sectors, buildings, and households to improve energy and operational efficiency, thereby minimiz­ing environmental impact. In this Advisor, we take an inward-looking approach to examine how we can reduce IoT’s own environmental impact and explore its cybersecurity risks. We also discuss how we can leverage and benefit from IoT’s full climate-action potential and help create a sustainable environment.

Practical Use Cases of IoT Solutions in Healthcare

Ulrica Sehlstedt, Rebecka Axelsson Wadman, Sean McDevitt, Agron Lasku
Today’s Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have tremendous potential to enhance healthcare operations and generate overall improvements to care outcomes, cost, and efficiency. New IoT solutions for healthcare are smarter and, more importantly, tailored to the needs and requirements of healthcare organizations. In this Advisor, we explore two practical use cases of IoT solutions in healthcare.