Advisors provide a continuous flow of information on the topics covered by each practice, including consultant insights and reports from the front lines, analyses of trends, and breaking new ideas. Advisors are delivered directly to your email inbox, and are also available in the resource library.

Gamification and Big Data

Jagaran Das

Gamification is a tech industry buzzword referring to the use of gaming techniques in non-game applications. Big Data refers to data having properties like huge volume, high velocity, variety, and variability. A lot of people are already talking about Big Data, but many people question what to do with this data and how to make actionable insights out of it.

Gamification and Big Data

Jagaran Das

Gamification is a tech industry buzzword referring to the use of gaming techniques in non-game applications. Big Data refers to data having properties like huge volume, high velocity, variety, and variability. A lot of people are already talking about Big Data, but many people question what to do with this data and how to make actionable insights out of it.

A Little Time Off? Just How Badly Do You Want to Ruin My Day?

Carl Pritchard

Time and again, I read articles about the restorative power of vacation time. Holidays. Time to get away from it all. I can think of nothing more horrible. As a self-confessed workaholic zealot, the thought of copious amounts of open time on my calendar completely freaks me out.

About Transparency and Its Limits

Jens Coldewey

In his recent novel The Circle, Dave Eggers draws the picture of a fictitious Internet company called "The Circle" that has broken the anonymity of Internet communication and subsequently has bought Google, Twi

Improving Process Improvement

Andrew Spanyi

While most companies have become adept at improving processes of small scope, many firms continue to struggle with large-scale process change. The challenges that such firms face are rarely related to the mechanics of process improvement.

So Much Change, So What?

Lance Dublin

As is well known and often stated, organizations do not change -- people do. Employees, managers, colleagues, partners, suppliers, customers -- one at a time and then many. Without change, people become stagnant and organizations die.

Real-Time Location-Based Intelligence for School Safety

Curt Hall

Schools in the US states of Indiana, California, Idaho, Washington, and Virginia are now using real-time location systems (RTLS) to help ensure the safety of students, teachers, and other staff. The systems -- developed by Ekahau Inc.

A Modest Prediction for Clarifying Precisely What Will be Disrupted Next

Vince Kellen

In the grand scheme of things, the invention of the wheel, which one would think was so fundamental for human progress, came rather late. Most likely invented around 3500 BC, a thousand years after the potter's wheel, the wheel was most likely extended from the design of sledges.

4 Tips for Setting Up and Operating Agile Groups

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy

Many large organizations set up Agile focus or mentoring groups for driving Agile implementation across the organization. They entrust those Agile groups with improving IT delivery capabilities by applying suitable methods. In this Advisor, I share four practical tips to be aware of while operating Agile focus groups.

EA: Art or Science?

Roger Evernden

Just from the title alone you will probably guess what my conclusion will be: that enterprise architecture is both art and science. Well, I certainly would agree that EA is both an art and a science, but there are a couple of points that I need to make here.

Disciplined Agile Delivery: The Foundation for Scaling Agile

Scott Ambler

[From the Editor: This week's Cutter IT Advisor is from Scott W. Ambler's introduction to the November 2013 issue of Cutter IT Journal, "Disciplined Agile Delivery: The Foundation for Scaling Agile" (Vol. 26, No. 11).

Data Curation

Brian Dooley

As we move into the era of Big Data analysis and extensive use of unstructured data, it is time to take a closer look at data-quality issues. While there have long been procedures in place for ensuring quality of transactional data, unstructured data has been less well served. Unstructured data and data sources outside of the firm can be relatively opaque. Processes should be developed to ensure that data is maintained for future use -- adequately stored, accurate, and secure.

Data Curation

Brian Dooley

As we move into the era of Big Data analysis and extensive use of unstructured data, it is time to take a closer look at data-quality issues. While there have long been procedures in place for ensuring quality of transactional data, unstructured data has been less well served.

General Failures of Notice and Consent

R Jason Cronk

The concept of notice and consent pervades modern privacy law and regulations. The efforts are laudable, but our cognitive limits and the rapid pace of advancing technology are straining their usefulness.

Business Process Improvement: Automating an Otherwise Manual Process -- A Case Study

Jim Watson

This case study illustrates that sometimes very significant business goals seem to get washed out of the process of specifying and building a system; the focus is on managing the solution (e.g., certainly reducing manual effort is solved with automation) rather than on managing the relationship be

Why Do We Need Real-Time Digital Data Streams?

Manjunath Paramashivaiah

The ability to analyze data in real time has enormous potential in significantly impacting business performance at both the departmental and strategic levels. Internal data sets spanning across multiple departments often hold massive amounts of valuable data. These data sets, coupled with carefully selected real-time digital data streams (DDS), are increasingly becoming critical in data-based decision making by departmental managers as well as strategic-level stakeholders.

Mapping Psychosociological Needs to Agile

Bhuvan Unhelkar

Agile is well served by exploring the connections between knowledge, culture, psychology, and technology. As Cutter Fellow Vince Kellen states:

The Social Media Path to Value

Jim Love

Too many organizations confuse activity with purposeful action. For them, especially in a crisis, it's important to do something. The worse the crisis, the more pressure there is to act. If you follow this path, at best your success will have had more to do with luck than with planning.

Trust but Encrypt

Ken Orr

Trust is the bandwidth of communication.

-- Karl-Erik Sveiby

Trust but verify.

-- Ronald Reagan

Organizational Agility, Not Agile Projects

Rob Thomsett

My Executive Report "Agile Business: The Final Frontier" outlined some key elements of how we can extend and expand the fundamental concepts of Agile project management (APM) and Agile development to an holistic organizational approach to organizational agility.

The Circle -- Privacy, Transparency, and Anonymity in a Hyper-Connected World

Curt Hall

The Circle -- the new novel from Dave Eggers -- is being billed as sort of a modern 1984 meets A Brave New World.

What's Wrong with Targets?

Martin Klubeck

I've written multiple articles and given numerous presentations on the problems with establishing targets for your measures of improvement. It's worth reiterating what's wrong with them, though, because if you haven't tried using targets, chances are you will.

Predictive Analytics, Hadoop, and Mahout

Curt Hall

Hadoop is receiving a lot of attention from data mining and predictive analytics practitioners because it offers a scalable platform for building, training, and testing models that can be executed in parallel using massive volumes of data, as opposed to typical data mining practices involving the use of sample data sets for m

Communicating: From the Old World to the New

Peter Kaminski

In moving from the 20th to the 21st century, powerful advances in connectivity and computing power, along with the trend of centralization of media sources and tech tools, have caused big shifts in many sectors.

Embedding Agile

Jens Coldewey

If you visit an Agile conference these days, it's hard not to run into talks like "Scrum within a RUP project" or "Agile in a traditional organization." From a dogmatic Agile point of view, this reminds me a little bit of a veggie-stuffed beef recipe promoted as vegetarian food.