Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
The Role of Business Architecture in Shaping Software Design
William Ulrich
This Executive Update details how organizations can utilize business architecture to inform and shape software designs to achieve more stable, maintainable, and scalable software systems.
Opportunity to Rethink Role for Sustainable Future
Stefano Milanese, Martijn Eikelenboom, Carlo Stella, Stefano Decadri
As we explore in this Executive Update, there are tangible benefits to basing corporate purpose on sustainability drivers, and sustainable business models are gaining pace. Therefore, businesses should rethink their role in the context in which they operate and adapt their strategy, organization, resources, processes, and culture accordingly.
Secrets for Socializing Business Architecture
Whynde Kuehn
This Executive Update presents best practices to help you succeed on your journey of establishing business architecture within your organization, whether you are just starting out or seeking ways to fine-tune engagement with your existing practice.
Looking to CPaaS for Cohesive Market Structure
Christoph Uferer, Lars Riegel, Sean McDevitt, Arvind Rajeswaran
In this Executive Update, we explore how communications-platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) allows businesses to develop and manage communications features without needing to develop and maintain the infrastructure on the back end of the service. CPaaS makes it easier than ever for companies to create differentiating customer communications experiences while promising to reduce costs and speed up innovation.
Lessons in Risk Management: Using KRIs to Avert Disaster
Hannah Marsden, Kerri McGowan, Clive Adams
This Executive Update draws from the lessons of the Boeing MAX groundings to illustrate the importance of selecting, monitoring, and acting upon risk indicators to preemptively manage risk, as well as providing opportunities to reduce total cost of risk, improve financial performance, and assure stakeholders that risk is being addressed on a controlled and informed basis.
Choosing the Right Digital Tools for Innovation Management
Ben Thuriaux, Enguerran Ripert, Nicholas Johnson
As we explore in this Executive Update, the responsibility for alignment between corporate strategy and business unit innovation and R&D frequently lands with the CTO, who needs the right processes and tools to achieve this. Making the right choice of tools is key to ensuring optimal balance between sector-level autonomy and group-level alignment.
Dynamic Deep Learning for Streaming Data: Advantages & Challenges
Bhuvan Unhelkar
This Executive Update highlights the advantages and challenges in using deep learning for business decision making and outlines a high-level dynamic deep learning architecture.
Remembering Steve Jobs, 10 Years Later: Lessons to Emulate
San Murugesan
In this Executive Update, we reflect on the legacy of Steve Jobs and explore some of his most enduring lessons that we can emulate for our own success.
IPA in the Enterprise, Part X: Top 5 Key Industries
Curt Hall
In Part X of this Executive Update series on IPA in the enterprise, we examine findings covering the key industries in which organizations see IPA having its greatest impact.
The Missing Answer of “Why Architects?”
Pierfranco Ferronato
In this Executive Update, we examine the key question of “Why architects?” and explain that the role of solution architect, who designs for change, should not be diminished; in fact, it should be welcomed and expanded.
Fiducia ex Machina
Jon Geater
Many think that the more power that we vest in machines, the more harm they will do. But what if we could reverse that? What if we could harness AI and other digital technology to achieve fiducia ex machina: “trust from the machines”?
IPA in the Enterprise, Part IX: Viable Use Cases
Curt Hall
In Part IX of this Executive Update series, we examine findings covering the use cases that organizations view as most viable for applying IPA.
Enhancing Digital Journeys with Effective CIAM Solution
Konrad Pfeffer, Nick Bartlett
A first step for customer organizations in most digital journeys is an effective CIAM solution that will help connect various applications and systems. As we explore in this Executive Update, delegating administrative activities within your CIAM solution through a tenant approach can allow your digital products to scale.
Implementing AI: 4 Critical Steps for Success
Steven Kursh, Arthur Schnure
Organizations need to address several issues across four critical steps to make AI work to their best advantage: (1) assess business needs, (2) seek skilled AI people and train staff, (3) identify AI machine learning input data, and (4) choose AI and ML tools. This Executive Update addresses each of the four steps and offers recommendations.
Implementing the Cloud Successfully: Lessons Learned from Developing & Deploying SaaS
Steven Kursh, Arthur Schnure
This Executive Update first reviews cloud basics then looks at lessons learned from past on-premises development and deployment applications and how these apply to SaaS. It then examines some additional challenges SaaS brings to organizations, including the underlying reasons why SaaS projects can fail.
IPA in the Enterprise, Part VIII: Major Challenges
Curt Hall
In Part VIII of this Executive Update series on IPA in the enterprise, we examine findings concerning the major challenges organizations indicate are hindering their efforts to apply IPA.
AI Adoption in Business Processes: The Agile Way
Bhuvan Unhelkar
In this Executive Update we explore Agile principles and practices under the lens of business adoption of artificial intelligence.
Sustainability Through Business Architecture, Part II: Circular Economy Transition Via Business Model Transformation
Giovanni Traverso, William Ulrich
In Part II of this Executive Update series on business architecture and sustainability, we detail business architecture’s role in transitioning to the circular economy while concurrently delivering related business strategies that include opening up new markets and new revenue streams.
Managing the Quantum Computing Era
Joseph Byrum
Today’s decision support tools are useful but limited — and running algorithms can be computationally expensive. We need statistical shortcuts that simplify incredibly complex equations so that they can run on today’s hardware. This Executive Update highlights the “quantum leap” and how it will end estimating and solve equations in their full complexity. Instead of waiting 24 hours, the solution might only take a second. Within the next 10-20 years, the quantum computing era can lead us to a fully intelligent enterprise.
Sustainability Through Business Architecture, Part I: Decoding the Circular Economy
Giovanni Traverso, William Ulrich
In Part I of this two-part Executive Update series on business architecture and sustainability, we provide an overview of the circular economy and the strategic challenges it presents and demonstrate how business architecture provides the means for a formal, robust transition to the circular economy.
IPA in the Enterprise, Part VII: How Organizations View Efforts to Date
Curt Hall
In Part VII of this Executive Update series on IPA in the enterprise, we examine survey findings pertaining to how organizations view the success of their IPA efforts so far and whether they believe the technology will eventually live up to expectations.
Hyperliminal Coupling: Why Software Projects Fail Repeatedly
Barry M O'Reilly
This Executive Update redefines the notion of nonfunctional requirements in terms of a complexity science–based approach to software engineering. We introduce two new terms — hyperliminality and hyperliminal coupling — which provide a new way to describe nonfunctional requirements.
IPA in the Enterprise, Part VI: More Key Technologies
Curt Hall
Here in Part VI of this Executive Update series, we examine the remaining five technologies organizations are interested in adopting to support their enterprise IPA efforts.
The Essentials of Great Innovation Teams, Part II: Building Meaningful Missions
Robert Ogilvie, Jeffrey McNally
In Part II of this Executive Update series on creating great innovation teams, we explore how to build meaningful missions.
IPA in the Enterprise, Part V: Key Technologies
Curt Hall
In Part V of this Executive Update series on intelligent process automation (IPA) in the enterprise, we examine findings pertaining to the technologies surveyed organizations are interested in adopting to support their IPA initiatives.