You likely have less time than ever as you deal with disruption on every front. But that’s all the more reason to seize the opportunity to spend two days, thinking strategically & brainstorming with expert academics, industry thought leaders & executives from diverse industries, who are outside your normal circle of advisors.
Join us May 2-3 for an in-depth look how your organization can succeed with the explosion of challenges that compete for attention, talent and resources — from sustainability goals to advancing AI/ML capabilities, protecting against ransomware attacks to achieving organizational agility, honing leadership skills to seizing convergence opportunities, accelerating DEI and innovation to Web3, and addressing the geopolitical & public health upheavals that are impacting supply chains and markets.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of what is essential in leadership, culture, and strategy, and the nuanced relationship between these factors that is so critical to success today.
Inspiring Program
From an award-winning simulation to case studies; engaging and insightful keynotes followed by highly interactive (and always entertaining) panel discussions; informal roundtables; a hands-on exercise; and Lightning Talks, every Summit 2022 session will help you embrace and find the opportunity within the challenges facing your organization. Watch Speaker Preview Videos
Captivating Speakers
Summit 2022 offers an opportunity like none other to interact with the experts in business and in technology. The expert presenters you'll exchange ideas with include internationally known business school professors, consultants and corporate professionals.
Intellectually Stimulating Community
Discover great insight from your peers — experienced, forward-thinking business strategists and technology professionals. You'll connect at meals, our Monday-night cocktail party, and during long breaks, plus glean insight from the experiences your peers present in their Lightning Talks.
"The Summit is intimate, interactive, brain teasing and stimulating. The topics presented are relevant, based on deep research, spot on! and delivered by presenters second to none."
— Susan Boyea, Vice President, Shared Services, IT Sagicor Financial Corp.
"The level of the event is phenomenal — not only the keynoters, but also the participants."
— José Núñez, Chief Information Officer, Altta Holmes
When & Where
Summit 2022 takes place May 2-3, 2022 at The Conference Center at Waltham Woods, conveniently located just minutes from downtown Boston, in the award-winning headquarters of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Overnight accommodations have been arranged at the nearby Westin Waltham, where we also host a cocktail party on Monday night. Transportation is provided between the hotel and the conference center. Learn more about the locations.