Stephen Hayne
Stephen C. Hayne is a Professor of the Department of Computer Information Systems at Colorado State University. He has received more than US $6 million in grants from NSF, ONR, and DHS as well as an IBM Faculty Fellowship. Dr. Hayne has published more than 70 papers in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Database, Journal of Information and Management, Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Work, IBM Systems Journal, Electronic Markets, Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce, and International Journal of Human Computer Studies, and has presented at major conferences. His research is based on the desire to use innovative technologies to solve real business problems. Dr. Hayne has developed theories and implemented systems to help groups with communication and decision making, using concepts such as shared cognition, collaborative drawing, group brainstorming, concurrent issue surfacing/consolidation, consensus building, choice, pattern recognition, and team bidding in auctions. Other research interests lie with social networks theory/analytics, distributed systems, big data, auctions, and ecommerce. His most recent research award involved detecting and mitigating large-scale distributed denial-of-service attacks. Dr. Hayne’s teaching in the subjects of network security, database, strategy, ecommerce, and software engineering have led to nominations as Best Teacher at Colorado State University. He has been General Chair and Treasurer for the many of the GROUP and CSCW conferences and was cochair of the 2007 America’s Conference on Information Systems. Dr. Haynes received his PhD from the University of Arizona.