Steven Woodward
Steven Woodward is founder and CEO at Cloud Perspectives, helping companies and governments effectively and transparently plan, secure, architect, deliver, support, and monitor cloud and digital transformation opportunities using a highly automated portfolio of solutions and expert specialists to help simplify and expedite compliant, secure solutions, cost effectively, while anticipating and addressing the necessary culture and process changes. Cloud Perspectives provides solutions that meet customers’ private, public, community, hybrid, and multi-cloud needs across service models. He is respected for being vendor-neutral, logical, and value-focused, where current Canadian standards contributions include AI ethics, GDPR, and data governance. At NIST, Mr. Woodward co-leads the cloud and carrier activities, while contributing to the NIST/IEEE cloud federation standards. With ISO/IEC, he is a convenor for the Cloud Service Connectivity Advisory Group and is liaison between the software systems standards (SC7) and cloud distribution standards (SC38) committees. For Agile and DevSecOps standards, he is a co-editor with ISO/IEC, IEEE, and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), focusing on SLAs, metrics, and governance. Mr. Woodward has contributed to many publications and communities, including OMG, IFPUG, ITU-T, TM Forum, PTC, itSMF, IIBA, ISACA, and NIST. He is a director with the CSA Canadian Chapter and contributes to the CSA Global cloud audit training and certification activities. He can be reached at steve@cloud-perspectives.com.