Judith Walls
Judith Walls is Full Professor and Chair of Sustainability Management at the Institute for Economy and the Environment, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Prior to academia, she worked in investor relations as Head of Research, Consulting and Business Development for Technimetrics in Europe and Asia-Pacific. Dr. Walls also spent many years working with conservation organizations regarding the human-wildlife conflict and how best to manage this through entrepreneurial solutions in locations like Namibia, Botswana, and Mongolia. Her research focuses on the nexus of corporate governance and environmental sustainability. Dr. Walls has a special interest in biodiversity and land use and the (emotional) dynamics of contested industries. She has been awarded and published in top-tier academic journals. Dr. Walls earned a master’s of science degree in wildlife, biodiversity, and ecosystem health from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland; a PhD in management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; and has pursued a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan. She can be reached at judith.walls@unisg.ch.