Leo Vogel
Leo Vogel is a Research Assistant at the Institute for Economy and the Environment (IWOE) and a master's student at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). His research focuses on the firm's dependence on nature, buyer-supplier power in the palm oil and cocoa supply chain, and strategic responses of buyers or suppliers to grievance mechanisms. Prior to studying at HSG, Mr. Vogel completed a professional apprenticeship as a chef, worked in renowned restaurants in Switzerland, and conducted a student consulting project for a Swiss retailer in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China, on the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which obliges amfori members and their business partners to conduct due diligence in their global supply chains regarding human rights and environmental protection. He has a strong interest in agri-commodities, biodiversity, and the diffusion of sustainability in multi-tier supply chains. He can be reached at leoluca.vogel@unisg.ch.