James Rychard
James R. Rychard is a 21-year firefighter/instructor from the City of Burlington, Ontario, Canada. He is an accomplished author, contributing to renowned publications such as Firefighting in Canada and Canadian Firefighter. Mr. Rychard recently joined 23 other Canadian professionals with the publication of his article “Guarding Against Burnout in the Emergency Services: A Firefighter’s Perspective” in Canadian Journal of Criminal Justice Report, Special Issue for Public Safety Personnel. He is a passionate advocate for both organizational and personal wellness and has presented at International Chief Officer conferences on burnout, human factors and performance, culture, and character. Mr. Rychard sits on several international committees ranging from mental health to human factors and human performance (a newly formed committee he designed). He is the recipient of the Fire Service Psychology Association’s inaugural Fire Service Leader of the Year award for his work in fire service mental and behavioral health. Mr. Rychard earned a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and is a graduate of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, Humber College’s Fire Service Executive Management Certificate program. He can be reached at jaymzr007@hotmail.com.