Jochen Gönsch
Jochen Gönsch is Professor of Service Operations and board member for the Centre for Logistics and Traffic at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His expertise spans various domains, including circular economies, smart and sustainable energy systems (e.g., combination of batteries and wind power plants), static and dynamic pricing approaches (e.g., dynamic pricing in vehicle-sharing systems), revenue management, and risk mitigation. Dr. Gönsch leverages state-of-the-art technologies, including data science, AI, and analytics to address economically and socially relevant issues from the service sector. Through collaborations with industry partners like HelloFresh, IBM, and Share Now, his research has generated invaluable insights that extend beyond individual cases, resonating across broader contexts. Dr. Gönsch’s publications in leading international peer-reviewed scientific journals both document his research and broaden its public impact. He earned a PhD in business administration from the University of Augsburg, Germany. Dr. Gönsch can be reached at jochen.goensch@uni-due.de.