Antoine Harfouche
Antoine Harfouche is Associate Professor of Information Systems (IS) and AI at Paris Nanterre University, France, where he teaches courses in IS, AI, big data, and quantitative methods. Dr. Harfouche’s research primarily examines how IS and AI impact individuals, organizations, countries, and societies in general. He is an expert in ethical and responsible AI and augmented intelligence. Dr. Harfouche has been published in several journals, including Information Systems Frontiers, Information Technology and People, International Journal of Production Research, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Annals of Operations Research, Trends in Plant Science, Trends in Biotechnology, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Global Information Management, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Robotics & Automation Magazine, and Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organization, as well as conference proceedings, such as ICIS, PACIS, AMCIS, ICTO, MCIS, MENACIS, AIM, and LCIS. He was awarded the AIS Sandra Slaughter Outstanding Service Award. Dr. Harfouche earned a master of science degree and a PhD in management information systems at Paris Dauphine University, France, with his PhD completed in collaboration with Georgia State University. He can be reached at antoine.h@parisnanterre.fr.