Robert Wysocki
Robert K. Wysocki, Ph.D. is a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium's Agile Product & Project Management Practice. Bob is recognized throughout the industry as a strategic leader in project management. Among his many outstanding accomplishments, he is the author, or co-author, of numerous books, including Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Effective Project Management, 5-Phase Project Management, Effective and Practical Project Management, and Managing Information Across the Enterprise. Bob has more than 40 years experience as a project management consultant and trainer, information systems manager, systems and management consultant, author, training developer and provider. He has trained more than 10,000 project managers.
In 1990, Bob Wysocki founded Enterprise Information Insights, Inc. (EII), a project management consulting and training practice specializing in project management methodology design and integration, project support office establishment, the development of training curriculum and the development of a portfolio of assessment tools focused on organizations, project teams and individuals. He has worked with organizations including AT&T, Aetna, Converse Shoes, Czechoslovakian Government, Eli Lilly, Harvard Community Health Plan, IBM, J. Walter Thompson, Peoples Bank, Sapient Corporation, The Limited, The State of Ohio, and others.
From 1970-1990, Bob held a number of positions in both state supported and private institutions in higher education as MBA Director, Associate Dean of Business, Dean of Computers and Information Systems, Director of Academic Computing, CIO, and Senior Planner. From 1963-1970, he was a systems consultant for one of the worlds largest electronics components manufacturers. In that capacity he designed and implemented several computer-based manufacturing and quality control systems.
Bob Wysocki is a member of the ProjectWorld Executive Advisory Board, the Project Management Institute, the American Society of Training & Development, and the Society of Human Resource Management. He is past Association Vice President of AITP (formerly DPMA). He earned a BA in Mathematics from the University of Dallas, and an MS and Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics from Southern Methodist University.
He can be reached at consulting@cutter.com.
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