David Coleman
David Coleman is the founder and Managing Director of Collaborative Strategies, Inc., and has been an industry analyst on collaboration for the last 25 years. His current focus is on the critical role of collaboration in digital transformation.
Mr. Coleman has worked with companies in many different vertical markets where he has led organizations through the process of determining their readiness for collaboration, social networks, and online communities, as well as the appropriate business processes to which these technologies can be applied and the best tools to use in each case. His facilitation has enabled such organizations as NASA, PacificCare, British Telecom, Motorola, General Dynamics, Network Appliance, Logitech, and Cisco devise their internal strategy for collaboration, knowledge management, and social networking. He has also worked with a wide range of collaboration vendors from such startups as Easyprojects.net (now called Birdview) to larger vendors such as Microsoft, IBM/Lotus, and Adobe. His work with collaboration vendors helps them from becoming zombie companies, resulting in greater attention and new positioning due to greater adoption and increased revenues. Prior to establishing Collaborative Strategies, Mr. Coleman held the positions of Director of Marketing and Product Line Marketing Manager at Oracle Corporation.
Mr. Coleman is the author of four books on collaboration, including Collaboration 2.0 and Collaboration and Learning. He has also written for various publications, including Cutter IT Journal, Fortune, Computerworld, Datamation, Network World, Virtual Workgroups Magazine, DVC, Computer Reseller News, and Knowledge Management Magazine. Mr. Coleman is a frequent contributor to CMSWire and CIO.com. He holds a bachelor's degree from Connecticut College and a master's degree from San Jose State University and Stanford University. He can be reached at david@collaboratingbetter.com.