Brian Cameron
Brian H. Cameron is a Cutter Expert and a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. He is the Associate Dean for Professional Graduate Programs and Clinical Professor of Information Systems in the Smeal College of Business at the Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Cameron is also Founding Director of the Center for Enterprise Architecture in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State and Founding President of the Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO). He designed and implemented the first online Enterprise Architecture master’s program in the world. Dr. Cameron was awarded the NPA Career Achievement Award in 2011 for efforts related to founding FEAPO, building the Center for Enterprise Architecture, and associated service to the enterprise architecture profession.
Dr. Cameron has worked with a wide portfolio of companies on a variety of consulting engagements, ranging from systems integration projects to enterprise and business architecture planning and design. Dr. Cameron has consulted with Accenture, AT&T Wireless, Avaya, Boeing, EMC Corp, Lockheed Martin, NSA, Oracle, Raytheon, US Marine Corps, and many others. He has served on the boards and working committees of a number of international professional organizations and journals and is currently a special academic advisor to the Business Architecture Guild.
Dr. Cameron’s current research focus is effective value measurement for enterprise and business architecture. He has developed a popular online graduate certificate in business architecture and currently teaches a graduate level course on strategic business architecture. This course focuses on business architecture as a facilitator of strategy execution.
Dr. Cameron is TOGAF- and Zachman-certified and has developed an extensive background in the DoDAF, FEAF, and Gartner frameworks. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com.