Rob Thomsett
Rob Thomsett is one of Cutter Consortium founding Fellows. He served on the editorial board of Cutter IT Journal (now Cutter Business Technology Journal) and a regular speaker and keynoter at Cutter Summits. A thought leader in agile project management, Mr. Thomsett currently works with New Zealand–based Fronde — a leader in agile development methods — in implementing agile project management cultures and approaches in two major organizations based in New Zealand and the UK. His first book, People & Project Management (1979), outlined the need for the creative people in projects to be managed in new and radical ways. His subsequent books, Third Wave Project Management (1991) and Radical Project Management (2002), lay the foundation for many of the concepts, tools, and techniques used by agile project managers throughout the world. Mr. Thomsett has been recognized for his outstanding effort in the education of business professionals by his peers and was elected a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society. He is also on the Industry Advisory Board of the IEEE. He believes that project management is a true profession and that the role of a project management professional is to focus and support the creativity of teams in meeting the expectations of stakeholders. He can be reached at consulting@cutter.com.