Mark Woodman
Mark Woodman is cofounder and CTO of Ipseita, a consultancy that helps clients design leading-edge services, products, and tools for “trustless” systems. He is codeveloper of the Nymidy self-sovereign identity concept. As Emeritus (Full) Professor of IT, Dr. Woodman uses his R&D skills when developing innovative solutions for clients, applies academic rigor to process design, and utilizes his educational experience helping others connect technical ideas to business. A knowledge management systems specialist with over four decades in academia and consulting to international clients in the private and public sectors, he has a background in international programming language standards, systems design, and engineering. Dr. Woodman has published over 100 articles, books, reports, and guides on such topics as systems development, business-IT alignment, and quality management. He has innovated with systems development research and practice to help educate over 100,000 students, leading a team to win a BCS IT award (the “IT Oscar”). Dr. Woodman is a computer science graduate of Queen’s University Belfast and earned a PhD in software engineering from the Open University. He can be reached at mark.woodman@ipseita.com.