Dr. James Mitchell is a Cutter Expert and a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network; CEO of Strategic Blue, a financial cloud brokerage firm offering for cloud computing, services more commonly seen in the commoditized energy markets. For the past five years, Dr. Mitchell has been pioneering various cloud brokerage concepts that are now gaining widespread acceptance and adoption based on his background as an originator of structured physical commodity transactions at Morgan Stanley. Featured in books and reports as the leading authority on how the IT market will change because of the move to a utility (or "cloud") delivery model, he is a frequent speaker at events and often successfully predicts how the cloud market will develop over the next five years. For instance, Dr. Mitchell correctly predicted the price coupling currently observed in the cloud IaaS market. His expertise in the pricing of pseudo-commodities is highly relevant for any organization looking to buy, sell, resell, or trade cloud services at scale. Dr. Mitchell has a doctorate in DNA nanostructures from Oxford University and a first-class master’s degree in experimental and theoretical physics from Cambridge University. He can be reached at experts@cutter.com
The way to be insulated from future price changes, and hence hit your budget perfectly, is to lock in a fixed price. The old-fashioned way of doing this was simply to buy your own hardware. The "cloudified" way to do this is to make a future usage commitment, with or without prepayment, directly with your cloud provider.