Brian Voss

Brian D. Voss is CIO for Louisiana State University (LSU), at the flagship A&M Campus located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. He has more than 23 years of leadership experience in information technology, both in higher education and in the private sector, and is a recognized leader in the field. At LSU he heads the Information Technology Services organization, which is responsible for university information systems, networking and infrastructure, research IT enablement, and user support services and student IT enablement. Also reporting to him is the Louisiana Board of Regents' Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS) and operations of the Board of Regents' Louisiana Optical Networking Initiative (LONI), a regional optical network and grid computing environment. Prior to LSU, Mr. Voss served as the Associate Vice President for Information Technology (Telecommunications) at Indiana University and was also COO for the Pervasive Technology Labs there.

Mr. Voss's publications span a broad set of topics, including cyber infrastructure and high-performance computing environments, IT-enabled research, telecommunications and advanced research networking, IT support and pervasive computing, economic development impact of IT, IT leadership, and disaster impacts on business continuity planning. He serves on the Board of Directors of National LambdaRail and is a member of several advisory panels and groups, including Microsoft's Higher Education Advisory Group, the ACUTA Higher Education Advisory Panel,Campus Technology's C-Level Advisory Board, and the Advisory Board of the Research and Education Network Information Sharing and Analysis Center (REN-ISAC). Mr. Voss is an engineer by training, with a degree in industrial engineering from Purdue University. Mr. Voss can be reached at bvoss at