David Hart
David Hart is Professor of Teaching and Professional Practice at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK. He is a globally recognized expert in the economic regulation of airports, leading regulation review of UK airports, helping draft the UK Civil Aviation Act, and designing much of the current regulatory regime for Heathrow Airport. Prof. Hart has held leadership roles in eight airport price controls in the UK and abroad and has advised airlines, regulators, and governments on economic regulation. He was among the key architects of the framework of airport service quality regulation at Heathrow and has provided substantial input into each revision of the framework over the last two regulatory reviews. Prof. Hart is an expert in the design of regulatory models and incentive structures to deliver the aims of governments and regulators and has advised the UK government on governance models deployed by economic regulators. He designed the current regime for the treatment of CAPEX at Heathrow, was a key figure in the design of the governance models for Q6 and H7 Heathrow price controls, and recently led a governance review for a UK regulator. Prof. Hart earned a master of arts from the Universities of Cambridge and Warwick, UK, and a master of science degree from QMUL. He can be reached at david@claritylimited.co.uk.